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She expected her daughter to laugh or tease her. Instead Summer’s big eyes filled with tears and the teen rushed toward her and hugged her.

“Why am I so mean to you?” she asked, her voice thick with emotion. “I’m horrible.”

The shift in tone and subject was startling. Erica stroked her daughter’s hair.

“Sweetie, why are you upset?”

Summer wiped her face as she stepped back. “You really like all the girlie stuff. You think it’s fun and helping women feel good about themselves makes you happy. I know that but sometimes I diss you anyway, and that’s not fair. I was talking to Grandma about Dad and should I go see him or not and how he always said bad stuff about you, and she pointed out that he really influenced me.”

“He’s your father and you love him.” She deliberately lightened her tone. “Sometimes I influence you, as well, although you do seem to fight it.”

“But you’re the better person. Why don’t I listen more?”

“Because you’re a teenager and I’m your mom.” Erica thought maybe she should push back against Summer saying she was the better person, but then reminded herself Peter was in jail so maybe it was a fair assessment.

“Honey, I love you and I want you to be happy. Would I do the happy dance if you were a tiny bit more interested in what I do at work? Sure. Let’s talk mascara and go clothes shopping.” She smiled. “But is there any way I could love you one drop more than I do? Not possible. You’re my daughter and no matter what you’re in my heart.”

“You say that now.” The teen shook her head. “But I’ve done stuff. Bad stuff.”

Erica ignored the cold that swept through her, telling herself not to panic. Summer was a good kid. She trusted her. Facts first, freak later.

“Can you be more specific?”

Her daughter looked at her. “I had a boyfriend last year and I didn’t tell you.”

The relief was instant but before she could say anything, Summer continued.

“It was only for a few weeks and the whole thing was silly. You said I was too young to date and you were right. But I thought he was great and I felt special and then he dumped me because I wasn’t girlie enough, which hurt. But I couldn’t doubly tell you because I’d gone behind your back and he wanted me to be more like how you wanted me to be.”

She wiped away more tears. “I’m sorry I lied.”

“Me, too. You can always talk to me. I’m your biggest fan.”

Summer rushed at her again. They hung on to each other. Her daughter looked up at her.

“Maybe I have too much freedom. You trust me so it was easy to keep the guy from you. I might need more boundaries.”

“Do you want more boundaries?”


“Are you going to hide a new boyfriend from me?”

“I don’t have one but if I did, I would tell you.”

“Then I think we’re okay.”

“Don’t you want to punish me for lying?”

Erica held in a smile. “It was a long time ago and you feel really guilty. I think we’ll go with that.”

“Thanks. I do feel bad.” She sighed. “And the guy thing was complicated. I mean shouldn’t he have liked me for me?”

“Absolutely. If a man wants you to change, he’s not the one.”

“That makes sense. I should find someone like Killion. Not the money and stuff, but how he treats you. He respects you, Mom. Plus the way he smiles at you.”

“How does he smile at me?”

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