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Allison slowly turned to face her. “Excuse me?”

“Panties. In. A. Bunch. You heard me. It’s fried chicken. You have to be hungry. If nothing else, you have to eat. I got the damned kale salad even though we both hate it because it’s the healthiest thing on the menu and in case you haven’t noticed, you’re seriously pregnant.”

Allison glared at her. “You’re in a mood.”

“You’re acting like a sulking teenager.”

“My husband’s in jail!”

The words came out as a shout. Erica didn’t react.

“Hardly news,” she said, pouring Allison a glass of milk and herself a glass of wine. “The man is a total loser. Why on earth we married him is beyond me.”

The second the words were out of her mouth, she realized she’d gone too far. Allison immediately began to cry and Erica instantly felt like a monster.

“Shit. I’m sorry.” Erica hurried to Allison and pulled her close. “I’m such a bitch. That was uncalled for. I was only thinking of myself. Jeez. It’s not you, it’s me. I swear.”

Only when she stopped babbling did she realize she and Allison had never hugged before. When she’d moved in, they’d barely been beyond the saying-hello stage.

But her friend didn’t pull back or slap her, so Erica hung on a few more seconds. Allison drew away, wiping her face.

“I’ve got to stop crying,” the other woman said, her voice shaky. “I’m always a mess. It’s not attractive.”

“At least there’s no one around you want to impress.”

“Very funny.”

Allison grabbed several tissues from a box on the counter. “My life is shit.”

“Yes, it is.”

Despite everything, Allison laughed. “You don’t have to agree so quickly.”

“Except for your kids, my daughter and the fact that I’m so amazing, it’s hard to find the good.”

The tears returned. “You’re right.” She started to sob.

“No!” Erica hugged her again. “I’m so stupid. I was going for humor. I suck at this.”

“I’m glad you suck at something. Your perfection gets annoying.”

“I’m far from perfect.”

“You dress really well.”

“I’m not twenty-seven months pregnant and I have money.”

“You also have style. I don’t have that.”

Allison sniffed as she stepped back.

“Thank you for bringing home dinner.”

“You’re going to eat.”

“Asking or telling?”


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