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“That’s personal.”

Erica could see her friend struggling with the concept. Yes, Killion was a good, kind man who cared about those in his world. But in business, he was, as Allison had said, ruthless.

“People are complicated,” Erica told her. “How is training going?”

Allison had been going to the Bellevue salon for her customer service training for a few days now. Allison looked at her, obviously aware of the not-so-subtle shift in topic. She looked at her plate, then back at Erica.

“It’s great. I’m enjoying the program you use. The lessons are clear and easy to understand.” She smiled. “They’re a bit repetitive, but that’s probably the point.”

She turned to Killion. “Have you been to the Bellevue Twisted? It’s so beautiful. The reception area is so open and inviting. There are these large cabinets filled with product and plenty of seating. There’s one person whose whole job is to ask you if you want something to drink. They make lattes and cappuccinos. Everyone wears black. Seriously, head-to-toe black. They do hair and nails on the first floor. All the other treatment rooms are upstairs. When the elevator opens, this lovely scent wafts in. Kind of a vanilla-and-eucalyptus combo.”

She stopped talking and looked at her plate. “I went on and on, didn’t I?”

Erica smiled. “I love your enthusiasm. Plus you’re bragging on one of my favorite places, so say more.”

They all laughed.

“It’s an amazing place. We got to observe a facial. One of the staff was the model and the esthetician talked us through everything she did. It was so interesting.” Her tone turned wistful. “Working at home with soon-to-be two kids makes the most sense, but there’s something about the energy of the salon I really like.”

“That makes me happy.” Erica smiled at her. “The Bellevue salon is where it all started. Whenever I have a problem to work through or a hard decision to make, that’s where I go to think things through.”

“It’s your sacred space,” Killion teased.

Erica laughed. “In a way.”

Killion glanced at Allison. “How’s Peter now that he has a new lawyer?”

Erica saw Allison’s mouth tighten.

“I haven’t really talked to him since Erica hired him. I know it makes me a coward, but I’m to the point where I really don’t want to know what’s happening. All I hear is bad news.”

“That’s going to change,” Erica told her. “Once all the charges are on the table, Raymond can start negotiating. Peter will cooperate and things will get better.”

“He’s not going to be home in time to see Bethany born.” Allison sighed. “I think I’ve always known that but now it’s impossible to even pretend.”

“Can you ask one of your friends to be with you?” Killion’s voice was kind.

“I will.”

“A solution,” he said. “But not the one you want.”


Erica was more concerned about whether or not Allison really was going to ask one of her friends. So far no one had stopped by to hang out with the pregnant woman and she rarely went anywhere socially. Were there friends or was Allison in her position—living her life for something that, in the end, turned out not to be enough?

After dinner, Killion helped with the cleanup, then excused himself. Erica walked him to the door, where she promised to come stay with him in a few days, then returned to the family room.

Allison was trying to get comfortable on the big sectional.

“He doesn’t stay the night?” she asked.

“Not here. It’s easier for me to go to his house. It’s one thing for Summer to know Killion and I are together and another for her to see him in his bathrobe.”

“I think she knows you’ve seen each other naked.”

Erica sank onto the sofa and smiled. “Yes, but there’s no need to make it obvious. She’s very mature for her age, but still only sixteen.”

“Killion really cares about you.”

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