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“I need your help with something,” she said slowly. “Summer came home nearly hysterical from dinner with her stepmother.”

She detailed what her daughter had told her.

“Your ex-husband is in jail?” He sounded more amused than shocked.

“Yes, there is an interesting karmic element, but Summer is worried about Allison and her father, so I’m trying to get some information. I don’t even know where to start. I thought you might have some ideas.”

“Of course.”

She heard him typing.

“He’s being held in SeaTac.”

“By the airport? There’s a jail?”

“He’s in federal custody. Let me make some calls. I’ll get back to you within the hour.”

“Thank you, Killion. I appreciate the help.”

“Of course.”

She went upstairs and told Summer what he’d said. Her daughter was sitting on her bed, phone in hand. Her eyes widened.

“Dad really is in jail? I was hoping Allison was wrong. What happened?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll find out. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear from Killion.”

She went back to her home office. As she waited, she thought about texting her mother, but she was fairly sure Mara was out with one of her male friends. So she played computer games until the phone rang thirty minutes later.

“He’s been arrested on several charges, including money laundering and wire fraud.”

“What?” Her voice was more of a yelp than she’d expected. She cleared her throat. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. There’s also something about threatening the police with a gun, but I can’t get specifics on that.”

“Peter doesn’t own a gun.” He never had. “Threatening the police?”

“That’s what I was told. Someone in his office tipped off the FBI about illegal activity and the FBI got in touch with the Secret Service.”

“Why? He didn’t threaten the president, did he?”

Killion chuckled. “They’re part of Treasury.”

As in the Department of Treasury? “None of this sounds right.”

“More charges are pending. I’m guessing they want him to flip on a bigger fish. I hope he has a good lawyer.”

“This can’t be true. Peter isn’t the criminal type. All of this sounds terrible. Did I mention the bank has frozen all of their accounts?”

“Given the charges, I’m not surprised.”

“But half the money belongs to Allison. Shouldn’t she be able to access it?”

“The government doesn’t work that way. Plus banks tend to overreact at the first sign of trouble.”

“It doesn’t seem fair.”

“They would tell you if he hadn’t broken the law, he wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.”

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