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“My name shouldn’t have to be cleared,” he said.

“I know,” she said, rubbing his arm.

They stared at each other. He knew she wasn’t going to relent on this. The animals meant too much to her.

“Do what you have to do,” he said finally.

“I wish it could be different,” she said. “I wish we had the luxury of time.”

Shane nodded, disappointment replacing the dread. He wished things were different, too.

“Dolly and I are going to Odessa. We’re going to meet with Shelby Miller in the morning and tell her about this.”

“Why not with Jackson Blevins? He’s the one behind putting LeAnn on Sverre. This should convince him not to.”

“Dolly has a rapport with Shelby. She trusts her to do the right thing instead of what will make the company the most money.”

It wasn’t much hope, but it was something. “All right. I’ll see you in Odessa, then.”

“Sverre is going to be more dehydrated than usual. Give him some B12 and plenty of water.” Reba looked uncomfortable, but then went in for another hug.

Shane didn’t want to hug her. Didn’t want to hug anyone. He was still too pissed off and the feelings of betrayal reminded him of how he felt when Abigail had left him, even if he knew this situation was entirely different. He patted her awkwardly on the shoulder. “Let me know what Shelby says.”

Sniffing, Reba backed up. “I will.”

He watched her walk away. A part of him wanted to chase after her and give her a goodbye kiss. But another part of him wondered if it would be a final goodbye if he did. When she was gone, he went in search of Paul. To hell with the pre-dinner beer. Shane needed a pre-dinner whiskey.

Chapter Sixteen


Odessa, TX

Reba alternated between being pissed off and being depressed. She hated that she couldn’t give Shane the time he wanted. But if someone died or an animal was killed, she’d never forgive herself. And yet, what if she did the right thing and told the UPRC everything she knew and they didn’t believe her? She’d be doubly fucked. At least if she had given Shane the few days, he wouldn’t be hating her right now.

“We can trust Shelby, right?” Reba said as they pulled into the Marriott parking lot where they were meeting her.

“For the tenth time, yes.” Dolly checked her makeup in the rearview mirror. Flawless, as always.

“You believe Shane didn’t do it, right?”

“Of course,” Dolly said, sliding out of the driver’s seat. “But someone did. And we need to report it before another bull rider gets hurt. Before LeAnn gets hurt.”

The thought of LeAnn getting on a tampered bull made Reba want to bite her nails down to the quick. How Dylan could watch her ride after everything he had been through was beyond her.

“What if they already know about this and don’t care?” LeAnn said. “What if they think we’re troublemakers?”

“They better not know, because we will be troublemakers. I can guaran-damn-tee you that.”

She needed to be fearless like Dolly, but Reba’s knees were shaking and she felt like she was on the verge of tears. She wanted to talk to Shane. She wanted to run the hell out of here and give him the few days he asked for. She owed him her loyalty more than she did this organization. But it wasn’t about her right now. It was about the safety of all the athletes and Reba needed to put on her big-girl panties and suck it up.

They walked through the lobby and got directions to the boardroom where the UPRC had set up a meeting area for pre-rodeo business.

Reba stopped Dolly from opening the door to the suite. “She needs to be discreet. Shane’s livelihood is at stake. And LeAnn’s life is at risk.”

“Shelby will handle it,” Dolly said. “She’ll get to the bottom of this.”

“I hope you’re right,” Reba muttered.

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