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“That’s right. I’m running a second test to verify now. What’s this all about?”

“Are you sleeping with him?”

“That’s none of your damn business.” Reba put her hands on her hips.

“It is, if he’s being accused of drugging his bulls and you are the veterinarian in charge of the test results.”

Reba felt like someone had slapped her across the face. “How dare you accuse me of falsifying records. I’ve never done anything like that in my life.” Damn it, it was just like being back in Dr. Kilgore’s review meeting. She was automatically in the wrong. Reba hated that feeling—then and now.

“I’m not accusing you of anything,” Diane said. “But you have to admit, it looks suspicious.”

“Bullshit,” Reba said. “My relationship with Shane has nothing to do with the test results. I wouldn’t lie for him. I wouldn’t lie for anyone who was hurting animals. And you should know that. Shane is a good man. He did not dope up his bulls. He doesn’t need to. Maybe instead of this being a witch hunt and everybody pointing fingers at Shane, we should start to look and see who would gain the most if Shane’s bulls failed.”

“Now you’re sounding like you have some conspiracy theories.”

“Can you blame me? I’m feeling a little bit paranoid here because you’re accusing me of shit that I didn’t do.”

“Reba, no one is accusing you of anything. But before they do, I don’t want you to test any more bulls. And these results won’t mean anything.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” Reba said. Not back then and certainly not right now. But it didn’t matter, did it?

“And now, no one can accuse you of favoritism, or worse falsifying records, since you’re no longer going to be involved with testing bulls.”

“So what am I supposed to do? Sit on my thumbs while the rest the team does double work?”

“There are plenty of things for you to do at the rodeos. There’s always going to be horses needing assistance, as well as the minor things that come up throughout the week. But you’re off of bull duty.”

“That’s not fair, and you know it. It shouldn’t matter who I’m sleeping or not sleeping with.”

“I agree,” Diane said. “But it does matter. You don’t want to have the gossips ruin your reputation. So humor me and keep your career on track. I’m doing this to protect you.”

“Really?” Reba said. “Because it sounds like you’re covering your ass.”

“That, too,” Diane said. “The two aren’t mutually exclusive.”

“This is a demotion. It’s bullshit and unfair.” And it felt exactly like it had when no one believed her that Dr. Kilgore behaved inappropriately.

“I’m sorry you feel that way.”

“How am I supposed to feel? If I hadn’t been dating Shane, would this conversation have ever happened?”


“Then I’m guilty until proven innocent. Who told you about us?” Reba asked. “We haven’t been together long.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

“It does if someone is trying to set me or Shane up.”

“Are you listening to yourself? You sound ultra-paranoid. Reba, it’s just for a little while. If it doesn’t happen again, we can revisit your job duties in a few months. And if it does happen again, you have a chance of saving your reputation by not being directly involved with the testing.”

“Shane didn’t drug his bulls.”

“I hope you’re right.” Diane said. “I’ll have someone look at these final results and let you know the outcome. Report to my office when you get to Odessa.”

It took everything in her not to slam the trailer door when Reba stormed out. Dr. Victor was hanging out nearby and he looked like he was going to say something to her, but she glared at him until he thought better of it.

This was utter bullshit. It must have something to do with UPRC limiting the breeders down to only three. This had to be the work of a rival breeder trying to discredit Shane. And the worst part of all of this was Ronnie Sunderland died because of somebody’s greed. Reba knew in her heart that Shane hadn’t drugged the bull.

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