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“Yeah,” he said. “At least I wasn’t last. Nash Weaver is always last.”

“Who the hell is Nash Weaver?”

“Good question. None of the guys know.”

“What do you mean none of the guys know? Everybody knows everybody.”

“It’s true. None of the bull riders have ever heard of him before this season. Same with the bronc busters, the bulldoggers and certainly not the bullfighters.”

“So he just appeared one day?”

“That’s it exactly. He’s got a bunch of scores that put him in this league, but nobody remembers ever seeing him ride before this year. Between you and me, he sucks.”

“Maybe he’s somebody’s favorite nephew or something. One of the bigwig’s kids.”

“That must be it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that he keeps pushing me up in rank, but I worked hard to get in this league. It kind of chaps my ass that he gets a free ticket without ever having competed professionally before.”

“Life is not fair like that, kid,” Shane said. “At least you don’t have to worry about him stealing the prize money.”

“I guess that’s something,” Taylor said glumly.

“So where are all the bull riders going to party tonight?” Shane asked, trying to change the subject because it looked like Taylor was getting into a funk.

“They’re going to hit the Pegasus bar down on Main Street. There was talk about going to a strip show, and some of the guys are probably going to peel off after a few beers. But the Pegasus has a pool tournament and a karaoke contest going on tonight, so that’s where the majority of us are to hang out. Are you going to come out?”

“I might,” he said.

“Do you think I should ask the doc if she wants to go?” Taylor asked.

“Why? Are you interested in her?” Shane felt his scowl come back and he crossed his arms over his chest again.

“Not especially,” Taylor said.


“Why is that good?” The light seemed to dawn on Taylor after a second of trying to interpret Shane’s glare. “Oh. Oh. Oh.” Taylor drew out the last oh several syllables.

“Keep your trap shut about it,” Shane growled.

“I won’t even tell my father.”

“Good, because if you tell your father, you might as well take out a billboard.”

“I would defend my father’s honor,” Taylor said. “But that’s the God’s honest truth.”

“Maybe we’ll see you there tonight.”

“You should. I owe the doc a beer.”

Reba wrapped up the examination and cleaned up. She gave Taylor some final instructions and then walked back over to Shane.

“I’m sorry about that,” she said.

“That’s all right. If it was my horse, I would want you to do the same thing.”

“So, you’re not mad that I interrupted our date by pressing on a horse’s tummy to make it fart?” she asked.

“Not at all. How do you feel about shooting a game of pool and singing, ‘My Achy Breaky Heart’?”

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