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“Holliday Row is playing tonight on stage three in the arena. I know you’re probably sick of the rodeo by now, but since we’re both technically off work, I figured we could indulge in some fried deliciousness and listen to music.”

“Let’s go,” he said, putting Sigrun back into the padded carrier.

“Round up the kittens and I’ll be right back.” Reba darted into the bathroom and made sure she didn’t have any barbecue sauce on her chin and that there wasn’t anything in her teeth. She swiped on a quick dusting of makeup and a soft lip gloss. After putting a brush through her hair, she spritzed on some light perfume.

She was never going to be as flashy as Dolly or as dynamic as LeAnn, but Reba knew that she could hold her own in a conversation. She worried that Shane might want more of a buxom sexy chick, but then again, he was here and not with a buckle bunny so maybe his wild reputation was going to remain in the past.

“All set,” Reba said, coming out of the bathroom.

“The kittens have been secured.”

Grabbing a jean jacket, she gestured for him to go outside before her. Locking up, Reba smiled up at the sky. “Beautiful night.”

“It is now,” he said, offering his arm.

She took it and they strolled back to the main section of the rodeo arena. Reba was glad that the UPRC had a separate entrance. They both flashed their badges at the security guard and were let in without having to wait too long in line.

“Have you heard Holliday Row before?” Reba asked.

“Yeah, I like them. They’ve got a good sound.”

“I’ve been a fan of theirs for years. They got their start at the local rodeos near us,” she said.

“I used to stick around after the bull-riding events and listen to them before going out to the bars.” Shane shook his head. “I’m pretty sure I survived on coffee, whiskey, and no sleep while I was on the circuit.”

“Sleep is overrated.”

They had to pass by the stands where the bull-riding event was taking place. Beside her, Shane seemed lost in thought. She could see the wistful expression on his face and couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind.

“Are you okay?” she asked softly, reaching out to touch his hand.

Shane turned to her, forcing a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said. “Just brings back memories, you know?”

“You must miss it a lot.”

“Some days more than others.”

“What do you miss the most?” Reba wondered if it was the girls or the adrenaline rush of riding the bulls.

“I miss making a quick buck for doing something I loved.”

That surprised her.

“Don’t get me wrong, the ranch makes decent money. But it’s more of a team effort these days and it takes a while to see the return on our investment.”

“And then sometimes the rodeo changes all the rules,” she said, referring to the UPRC’s new proposed contract with the breeders.

“Exactly. Life was easier back then. I had a good time going from rodeo to rodeo.”

“Fast times and sowing wild oats?”

“Yeah,” he said. “I feel all adult now, having to get up at an ungodly hour and put in some hard work on the ranch when I’m not at a rodeo babysitting bulls.”

“Adulting sucks,” Reba said.

“It does indeed. Still, I think I’m getting used to it. Although, I want one last ride to go out in a blaze of glory.”

“Why don’t you?”

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