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Reba hoped it worked out. “You can travel in the RV with me, if you want.” It wasn’t as if she needed all the room when it was just her and occasionally Dolly. “But we should see if Mom and Dad will relent and let us take Siegfried and Roy with us. Siegfried was her orange striped cat and Roy was her pittie. Both had been rescues that had been abandoned at Kilgore Veterinary. She missed her pets.

“That discussion is all on you,” Loretta said. “I don’t think Dad would give up his daily walks with Roy. And Mom loves to have Siegfried on her lap when she’s watching television.”

That was news to her. Her parents had been vehemently against taking in her pets all through her childhood. Of course, Reba had brought home everything from snakes to tarantulas to birds and turtles, in addition to the odd stray cat or dog.

As her family finished up with dinner, Reba felt like someone was watching her. Like there were two holes drilling into her back. She got a bad feeling in her stomach, but she refused to turn around.

“Dolly,” she said and waited until her sister looked at her. “I don’t want you to react. But look over my shoulder. Is Dr. Kilgore sitting behind me.”

Dolly flicked a glance over Reba’s head. “Not that I can see. Why?”

Reba had told everyone at the table that she’d seen him in the bullpens this morning. Dolly filled Dylan in on the history behind Reba and Dr. Kilgore. Of course, Dolly didn’t know the whole story. No one did. And the more time that passed, the less she wanted to bring it up. But Reba knew she was just burying her feelings. Maybe like a bad infection that healed over, she had to lance it to get the poison out.

“I never knew he threw a glass jar at you,” LeAnn said.

“Technically, he threw it at the wall. We didn’t tell you because we didn’t want to distract you on the circuit,” Reba said. “It didn’t matter.” It still didn’t matter. It was over. And things would get better as soon as they were out of Paris, Texas, and on the road again.

“It matters,” LeAnn said, glaring around the restaurant.

LeAnn scraped her chair back loudly. And glared around the room as if she was looking for Dr. Kilgore.

“LeAnn,” Reba warned, but it warmed her heart that her sisters believed her. Maybe she could trust them with the rest of it. Not tonight, of course, and probably once they were out of state, just in case they decided to make it personal with Dr. Kilgore. If they believed her that he had made a pass at her. Reba still wasn’t sure they would.

“Let me check with Uncle Lou and see if he knows what Kilgore wanted.” Dylan pulled out his phone and began to text. LeAnn reluctantly sat down.

“You don’t have to,” Reba said. She was so thankful her job let her travel from state to state, just in case there were any other Dr. Kilgores around. Reba was lucky that the UPRC had hired her on full-time. It was her dream job. It kept her safe and sane. She liked where she was, and she wouldn’t go back to working in an office for anything. What she needed to do was to move out of her comfort zone and start reintroducing herself into social situations so her default move wasn’t to run and hide.

“I’m going to go out with a new guy,” she blurted out, hoping to change the subject.

That stopped the conversation flat.

“Who is he?” Dolly said, her eyes gleaming and her finger poised on her phone.

“Shane Calland,” Reba muttered, already regretting saying anything.

LeAnn cocked her head. “Who’s that?”

“He used to be a bull rider,” Dylan said. “A damned good one. Now he works with his family as a bull breeder.”

LeAnn nudged him with her elbow. “Grill Lou about him.”

“No,” Reba said. “No grilling. No stalking him on the internet. We’re just going out for dinner in San Antonio. It’s just dinner.” She stressed the last part, but she knew she might as well be talking to the wall.

“Is he hot?” Loretta asked.

Dolly flashed her a picture from her phone. It was an older one from an old Men’s Professional Rodeo Circuit program. “He was something else when he was riding.”

Loretta gave a slow whistle. “He looks like a Viking in a cowboy hat.”

He did a bit.

“Just be careful with your heart,” Loretta said.

Reba nodded. All she was looking for was one good kiss. One that would make her forget about the last one she’d had to endure. She hoped Shane was a good kisser. And who knew, maybe it would lead to something else. It had been a long time for that, too.

The back of her neck still itched like she was being watched. Reba should probably call it an early night before dessert so she could be well rested for the drive to the next rodeo tomorrow.

“I’m just going to get some dessert. Anybody want anything?” LeAnn asked.

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