Page 49 of Needing Her

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“Of the two of us, I’m thinking you should be the one talking.”

“Hard to do when I have not one fucking idea what is going on in your head, son.”

“Listen, I’m working through shit. I’ll talk to you about it when I’m ready. In the meantime, maybe you should think about if you need to talk to me about anything.”

“Dom, you got shit you want to know, man-up and ask. I’m not a fucking mind reader.”

“I don’t have time for this, right now. I’m still getting my head together. I’m not ready for this conversation, which is exactly why I’ve been trying to avoid you.”

I see the surprise flash over my old man’s face. Maybe he didn’t think I’d admit to dodging him. I’m done hiding from shit. If I hadn’t been trying to do that and spare Thomas, things would be different today. At the very fucking least, I would have discovered what a whore I had attached my dick to.

“You and Thea…”

“We aren’t having this conversation.”

“Son, Thea’s not just any girl?—”

“Trust me, I know that. I know that down to the marrow in my bones. She’s everything good. I don’t know what she wants with me. I don’t care if it’s a brother, a friend, a shoulder to cry on, or a man by her side. I know I’m not good enough, but I know whatever it is I’m going to be that for her and that is all you need to hear from me. I’m not fucking around. I wouldn’t do that because she is family, but more importantly, I wouldn’t do that because it would hurt her. Now, if we’re done, I have somewhere to be.”

“Dinner next Friday. Bring Thea if she wants to come. No forced discussions unless you have shit to ask me. Your mother wants time with you. I’ll even warn her not to grill you over Thea.”

I want to tell him no. It’s on the tip of my tongue. Instead, I grunt, give him a nod, and walk away. I’m not sure I’m ready to confront him.

Then again… I’m not sure I ever will be.

Chapter 20


“God, it’s beautiful here,” I breathe, taking the fresh air in. I cap my hand over my eyebrows as I look out over the lake. My gaze moves up to the cement walls of the dam as the water ripples in the breeze. The wind ruffles my hair and for the first time in a long time, I feel alive. Dom was right. I needed to unwind. I’ve been stressed for so long that I’d forgotten what normal was. Well, not that having a picnic with Dom is normal. It is anything but. Still, I’m surprised at how perfectly natural it feels.

“I think you’re beautiful,” Dom replies, finishing off one of his three chili dogs he bought at the park.

“Oh, that was slick,” I sass.

“It’s true.”

“Whatever you say.” I shake my head as I look at him.

It really has been the perfect day. Dom picked me up at the college. Since Mattie dropped me off this morning, I didn’t have a vehicle to worry about. We took the back roads, enjoying the feel of the bike beneath us and the surrounding nature. I worried things would be awkward between us. I shouldn’t have. It feels easy between us, and I don’t know how that’s possible. I mean, the time we’ve been spending together has been like this, sure. Yet, now, there’s an underlying current of attraction that is roaming freely between us. I could say I didn’t like it, but I’d be lying if I did.

“You have some chili …”

Looking at Dom, I see him motion his finger toward the corner of his lip. I immediately raise my finger to my lip trying to find it. I wipe the corner of my lips with my fingers. “Better?” I ask.

He shakes his head no and leans in closer. “You’re missing it,” he argues.

“You’re doing this to steal a kiss. There’s nothing on my lips,” I murmur.

I want to make it clear to him I know what he’s doing. I mean, I want to kiss him, but I’m not going to let him play me either. He needs to know that.

“You’re right,” he confesses, his lips just a breath from mine. “I really fucking want to kiss you, Thea.”

“This could end really badly.” I might warn him out loud, but mostly I’m reminding myself.

“It could also lead to something spectacular,” he counters, his fingers wrapping into my hair. “I know I haven’t given you a reason to trust me, Thea.”

“Dom…” His name comes out as a soft breath and it lays between us, our lips hovering over one another and yet, not touching.

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