Page 40 of Mister Gregory

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"Tell me you're mine," he demands, biting into my inner thigh and sucking hard.

The sensation shoots straight to my clit.

"Tell me, Mila." He bites me again before moving back to my pussy. Another hot breath blows across my skin. He soothes me with a swipe of his tongue.

I'm so close, but he's not going to let me go over. Not until I give him what he wants. Every single part of me screams at me to submit to him, to give him the words. I defy him anyway, biting my tongue to keep myself from screaming to the world that I belong to him.

He growls again, spreading me wider. He's pissed, so mad at me for refusing to give in to him. He forces me into submission, working me over, using his lips and teeth and tongue until I'm a sobbing mess beneath him, unable to deny him anything.

"Fucking tell me," he snarls as the sun sinks beneath the horizon, giving way to night.

"I'm yours," I scream, writhing in pleasure and pain and the pure fucking terror of realizing I never stood a chance against him. I am his. I think I always have been. "God, Roman. I'm yours!"

His roar is wild, splitting the newly minted night wide open. He thrusts his tongue into me, digging his hands harder into my hips.

I come immediately. Everything in me explodes outward so fiercely that I lose track of him, of me, of everything but the tidal wave roaring through me.

It's terror, and it's bliss.

And even in the midst of it, I know…I fucking know that there's no coming back from it.

He's ruined me. Permanently.

Chapter Eleven


"Why books?" Roman asks, eyeing me across the dinner table like he really wants to know.

"Why not books?" I ask instead of answering, spearing a piece of chicken with my fork. "What's wrong with books?"

"There's nothing wrong with books, Mila. I'm just curious what made you decide you want to edit them," he says.

"Sorry," I grimace, reading the surprise in his expression. Of course he doesn't think there's anything wrong with books or reading. He's well-read himself. I'm just an idiot. "I feel…protective over reading. Too many people who look like you talk shit about people who read like it's a bad thing people find enjoyment in literature."

One dark brow flies upward. "People who look like me? What the fuck does that mean?"

"Ridiculously freaking hot," I say, waving a hand in his direction, which makes him grin. "You're fine as hell, and you know it."

"I mean, you're a fucking knockout yourself, baby."

I snort loudly. "Compared to you, I'm a country bumpkin, Roman."

"What the fuck?" He glowers like I just kicked a puppy. "You're fucking gorgeous. Don't ever say some bullshit like that again, Mila."

"Easy there, killer. I didn't say I was ugly," I say softly. "I just said I'm not you. I was being honest."

"Nah, you're talking bullshit," he growls. "I'm big because I work out. Staying in shape is a requirement for my job. It also kept my big ass from losing my goddamn mind over you these last few years. I've got tattoos because I like the feel of the needle in my skin. That doesn't make me better than anyone, especially not you."

I sit quietly for a moment, digesting his outburst. I love that he finds me beautiful and that he thinks the world sees us the same. But I'm not naive. I'm a big girl. As far as the world is concerned, that puts him leagues above me. I've never much cared for their opinions, but I do care about his.

I'm guessing this is a sensitive subject for him because of Tahani's mom. She didn't think he was good enough to be Tahani's dad, which I imagine left him with some pretty strong feelings about how the world perceives people.

Roman's gaze stays fixed on me, his hazel eyes darkening like an intimidating storm. He exhales sharply and runs a hand through his messy hair, muscles rippling in all their tattooed glory. "You want to know about ugly, Mila?"

"That's not what I…" I start, but his intense stare cuts me off.

"I've seen ugly," he says, voice bone-deep and raw. His eyes bore into mine like he's trying to etch the truth of his words onto my soul as he hauls himself to his feet, circling the table toward me. "I've seen men do things that would make your blood curdle. I've held a child when her life was ripped from her by a stray bullet." His voice falters as the corner of his mouth twists into a grimace. "And I've seen beautiful women destroyed because they were caught in someone else's crossfire. That's ugly."

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