Page 22 of Mister Gregory

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"N-not far."


I shake my head no. "Heavy makeout sessions, mostly. Grinding. Um, he got off a few times that way."

"You never did?"

"He wasn't very good at it," I say with a shrug and then swallow. "I've never been naked with anyone."

"Good," he practically purrs as if this admission satisfies the hell out of him. "That little prick didn't deserve to look at this perfect body. He damn sure didn't deserve to put his filthy hands on you. But I'm not him. When you're with me, you're going to learn exactly how fucking good you're supposed to feel."

I lick my lips, nodding. I have a feeling he's going to teach me things that will knock my world out of orbit.

"Touch your pussy for me, Mila."

I shouldn't. I shouldn't be ready to orgasm at the thought of him watching me get myself off, but I am. If this is how the next two weeks start, I'm all in.

My hand trembles as I slide it down my body, over my stomach and hips. I tease him for a minute, letting my hand get so close before I move on across my inner thigh and then up my hip.

He grits his teeth as he watches me, clenching his hands into fists. He rocks forward on the balls of his feet like he's about to lunge at me and make me obey.

"Fucking do it," he snarls, breathing hard.

I give him what he wants this time.

"Oh God," I moan, sliding my fingers across my clit. I'm so wet my hand slips. I've never been this soaked in my life. Not even when I watched him jerk himself off and talk dirty to me. I stroke my clit, opening my legs wider.

He watches me like he can't look away. His gaze is locked on my pussy, his tongue playing across his bottom lip again. His chest rises and falls in a hard, steady rhythm like he just ran a race.

"Roman, I'm going to come."

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, he's on me. His mouth lands against my center, his hands against my thighs, shoving my legs far enough apart for him to fit between them. He isn't slow. He eats me exactly like I imagined he would. Like he can't get enough. He's rough and wild, digging his hands into my hips so hard I know I'm going to feel him there tomorrow.

And it's freaking perfect.

Holy crap. That fucking mouth is a deadly weapon.

"Oh God!" I cry out as an orgasm rips through me so fast it knocks me breathless. A thousand explosions ignite inside me, striking all at once. They rip through my veins like fire, melting me into nothing but pleasure and sensation. I try to push him off. It's too much. Way too much.

"No," he snarls against my pussy, releasing my hips to still my hands. He holds them down, containing them, caging me in. He doesn't stop what he's doing. He devours me, his filthy sounds and mine ringing in my ears as he gorges himself on me.

He doesn't stop until he's satisfied. Until I'm begging because I can't take any more.

My body goes limp against the countertop as he jerks away from me. My juices are all over him, practically dripping down his chin onto his chest. It's so fucking hot, I moan loudly.

"Are you on birth control?" he asks, jerking down his sweats.

I try to say yes, I take it to regulate my cycle, but I'm not sure if my mouth actually opens or not. All I can focus on is the sight of his cock. He's so hard, so thick. He's going to tear me in two. Pre-cum drips from the tip as he wraps a hand around himself and squeezes like he's trying to keep himself from coming.

Either he hears me, or he's too far gone to care because he stalks toward me. One hand slides around my hip. The other slides between my breasts and then up to my throat. He holds me tightly, lifting my head up and making me watch him.

"I don't want to hurt you, but I don't know if I can be gentle. I still taste you," he growls. "I don't know how to be soft and sweet and all the shit you deserve for your first time."

My heart flutters that he's even thought about what I deserve for my first time. "I didn't ask for soft and sweet, Roman. I asked for you to fuck me. You won't hurt me. I'm not breakable. Besides, I've used toys before."

I may be a virgin, but I'm not a prude. A girl has needs. And I've had a whole lot of them since meeting this man. My hymen is long gone.

His eyes glitter with lust. "Often?"

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