Page 99 of I Can't Even

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I was already closing my eyes, trying to remember something that just wasn’t there.

“I can’t…” I shook my head, causing pain to flare across my face. “I can’t remember.”

“Don’t move too much,” Quaid ordered. “All right, I think it’s time for everyone to get out. She’s answered enough questions today.”

“But there are still serial killers out here waiting to be found, Quaid!” Tobin argued.

“Yeah, and I think that for now, it’s enough.” Quaid stood his ground. “Maybe we can bring Sage in?”

Atlas was snorting. “That would be a big, fat no. She’s decided that every Carter, and friend of Carter, is persona non grata.”

“Why?” I asked, worried now.

“Because Atlas tried to ship her off to a safe house out of state, and Sage decided that she’s not running scared anymore,” Auden chirped. “He got himself in the doghouse, and she won’t talk to any of us anymore.”

Atlas gritted his teeth, looking angry as hell.

“You should really trust our instincts,” I found myself saying. “I won’t hide, either.”

Quaid grumbled something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like ‘stubborn ass women.’

I smiled, and felt my eyes get heavy.

The pain was starting to make itself known, too.

“I hurt,” I found myself saying to no one in particular.

“The medication you’re on is safe for the baby, but it’s not the best stuff out there,” Quaid admitted as he smoothed my hair back from my face. “I’ll get the nurse.”

The next time I woke, I knew something was wrong based solely on the silence of the room.

There was whispering beyond the door, and I turned my face in that direction so I could see who was doing the whispering.

Turns out, Quaid and Tobin were having a very heavy whispered conversation about something, and it was looking quite intense.

“She’s running a fever,” Quaid disagreed.

I was?

“They said it wasn’t due to an infection, though. Listen, this is important. If we don’t find these men, it’s highly possible that we lose another woman. Do you want another woman to go through what Ellodie went through?” Tobin growled.

Quaid lifted his arms and sifted his fingers through his hair.

My father crossed his arms, blocking Tobin’s access to my room.

“Let him in,” I croaked.

They all turned around at once and noticed me awake.

Quaid came first, but my dad pretty much knocked him over in his haste to get to me.

I smiled as best as I could at my father, and leaned my face into his touch when he finally made it to me.

“Hey,” he said softly. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine,” I lied.

I felt like shit.

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