Page 81 of I Can't Even

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I rolled my eyes. “Actually, that hasn’t been discussed yet. It’s too soon.”

“It’s too soon to be throwing a baby into the mix, too…” she trailed off, letting her worry for me hang in the air between us.

I sighed. “I know. I’m just… There’s a lot going on.”

“That serial killer?” she asked. “Have you heard anything? Did that girl come up with anything more than last time we talked?”

I’d told my parents all about the serial killer, and originally why Quaid had asked me to move in with him. I’d told them about the Carter family. I’d told them about my struggles with never having free time.

Mom had listened.

Dad had told me not to be a little bitch and deal with it.

I’d dealt with it, but I might’ve been a bitch still.

“Her name is Sage,” I said. “I don’t know if I told you that last time we talked. Atlas is pretty much shacked up with her right now because everyone’s worried that the serial killer is going to come back.”

“They’re calling him The Jolie Butcher.”

I grimaced.

“I don’t understand,” I admitted. “I mean, I don’t really look like her.”

Angelina Jolie was gorgeous. Meanwhile, I was short and round.

And going to get rounder…

“You have her lips and her hair,” Mom said. “Then again, I guess you could say that I have the lips and hair, and you have my lips and hair.” She paused. “Holy shit, I can’t believe you’re pregnant. This is a dream come true.”

I groaned.

My mom was always under the opinion that I’d never have kids, because I was a ‘perpetual student.’

In reality, life wasn’t as easy as just having kids like my parents’ generation got to do.

You had to establish a life plan, essentially. At least, if you wanted to provide your child with a good life, that was.

“Anyway,” I said as I glanced at the clock and realized how close I was to needing to leave. “I’m being picked up in three minutes. I’ll have to call you back after I’m done to let you know how the appointment went.”

My mom squealed one more time, then said goodbye.

I was snatching my sweatshirt—it might have been July in Texas, but the air conditioners worked well—when the doorbell rang, indicating my Carter Security guy was here.

I looked through the peephole to spot Quincy and Hollis.

“Who is it?” I asked, knowing it was them.

Hollis flipped off the peep hole, then smiled when I opened the door with a laugh.

“We have an appointment, too,” she said as she took me in. “Our kids are going to grow up together!”

I stepped out into the Texas heat and groaned, already feeling a dampness to my brow.

“Now we need all the other brothers to get on board,” I teased.

Quincy snorted and fell into step beside us.

I climbed into Quincy’s bright blue, fancy smancy truck, and received a growl from him before he said, “I was going to get that for you.”

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