Page 23 of I Can't Even

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“Maybe they did,” Tobin mused. “I have a profiler who’s going to meet with me this afternoon. I’ll get his perspective on it all. But I have a gut feeling that we’re only seeing what’s on the surface of this. I think, truthfully, that he hasn’t forgotten about these women who said no to him.”

That made the pit of my stomach clench, and bile rise up to my throat.

“You think I need to put a protection detail on her?” I asked.

And that protection detail would be me.

The Dallas Police Department didn’t have the kind of cash flow to just put a detail on someone. But I had the time, and the inclination. Oh, and also the desire to get to know her better.

What I saw, I liked.

“I think I might have more answers for you once I talk to the profiler around one,” he answered. “But if my gut feeling is right…”

And his gut feeling was always right.

A long time ago, when I’d first gotten to know Tobin, he always knew things. It was the weirdest thing, yet it’d gotten us out of a few dangerous situations, such as a burglary and a near beating from a couple of bullies.

If he thought she might need protection, then I needed to get to working on worming my way into her life.

“Yo, Sarge.” The secretary hollered. “Assman called in.”

I groaned.


That was literally his name.

Berger Assman.

A brand-new rookie who was getting on my last fucking nerve with how often he thought it was okay to call out in a one-year period.

He’d been with the department just short of a year, and in that time, he called out at least fifteen times.

“Son of a bitch,” I grumbled as I got up from my desk and grabbed my keys. “I gotta go, Tobin. Call me when you have more information this afternoon.”

“Will do,” he said. “Your dad said you were my liaison with the department.”

“I am,” I confirmed. “Talk to you later.”

After saying thank you to the secretary, who worked within three departments, for relaying the news about Assman, I headed out, ready to cover a shift.

But first, I would be making a stop.

Assman’s place.

I’d never actually been.

But I’d contemplated this so many times that I had his address memorized.

I arrived in thirteen minutes, and when I made my way up to the fourth-floor apartment, the first thing I heard when I got onto the fourth-floor landing was screaming.

A baby was crying and losing his or her mind.

I headed down the hall, and my gut clenched as I made my way to the door where the baby was crying so hard. Behind the door I knew to be Assman’s.

Closing my eyes for a long second, I breathed out, then knocked.

The screaming didn’t stop, but it did get closer to the door.

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