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Levi huffs a laugh and makes his way through the box maze towards me. “Eddie got left by his new girl,” he informs me, tone making it obvious that nobody feels bad for him. “He’s crashing in our parents’ garage ‘cause he’s got no other place to go. It’s karma. He blew his life up, hurt people in the process, and now he’s got to deal with the consequences.”

I pause, processing this. I think I should feel happy that he’s suffering, but instead, I just feel pity for him.

“He needs to go to therapy or something,” I say, totally serious despite the confused look on Levi’s face. “Happy people don’t do the things he did. You’ve got to be deeply unhappy about something to have ended up like he has. I hope this is the wake-up call he needs.”

“You’re too good,” Levi says with reverence. “My sweet, perfect girl. Even after everything he did to you, you still have empathy for him.”

I make a face. “Is that bad?”

Levi shakes his head quickly, fitting my hand in his. “No, baby,” he answers. “It just proves that you’re a much better person than he ever was.”

“Where are we going?” I ask, realizing he’s been leading me back to the front door.

“I thought I’d show you the view from the roof,” he says with a smile that melts me.

I nod eagerly, excited to have a break before we tackle unpacking. Seeing the city from the rooftop sounds beautiful.

I slip on my shoes and let him lead me up the staircase that leads to the roof. It was designed to be a communal space for the residents of the building, with fake grass and seating areas and a barbeque space for summer. Currently, though, it’s empty but for us two. The breeze is a little chilly, but I’m too warm from all the moving activities so I relish it.

“It’s perfect,” I sigh happily as we pause in the middle of the roof, turning in a circle to see the view. City lights blink like stars, the sunset turning the sky oranges and pinks. Even with the sounds of cars and trains down below, it’s peaceful up here.

Halfway through my turn, I realize Levi is no longer standing beside me. Confused, I pause in my tracks, gaze searching for him. My breath snags in my throat when I see him. In front of me. On one knee.

“Levi,” I breathe, the sound choked with emotion.

He smiles at me, one of those smiles reserved for just me, a smile that nobody else gets to see. He opens the velvet box in his hands to reveal a sparkling ring. “Lacey, I know the road to where we are has been bumpy and a little…unusual,” he starts, making me laugh. “But I wouldn’t change a thing. You were always meant to be mine, baby. I was always meant to be yours. And I would be honored if you’d spend forever with me.”

“Are you serious?” I whisper, voice trembling. I’m half convinced I’m dreaming this. Is he really proposing?

“As ever,” he answers solemnly. He takes my hand, squeezing, proving that this is real. Happiness floods me. “Lacey Scott, will you marry me?”

“Oh my God, YES!” I scream it so loud the whole city below us probably hears me, but I don’t care. I want them to hear, to know. Our love deserves to be shouted from rooftops.

I don’t even wait for him to stand up, instead falling to the ground with him. Levi holds my hand, slipping the ring on my finger. I wrap my arms around him, and he holds me close, turning his head so I can feel him smiling against my throat.

“I love you,” I tell him, releasing him just enough that I can kiss him.

“I love you, too, baby,” he says, winding his hand through my hair and kissing me deeply.

The second we pull away, I catch sight of the ring. It sparkles vibrantly in the sunset, a stunning clear oval diamond set on a simple gold band. Absolutely perfect. It feels so right on my finger, the final piece of a puzzle.

“I can’t fucking wait for you to be my wife,” Levi says, his voice a low rumble that sends a thrill shooting through me.

I giggle. “Take me home to our bed,” I tell him with a smirk, “and make love to your fiancée.”

He lifts me in one swift motion, carrying me bridal style back into the apartment, through the box maze and to the bedroom. As we tear each other out of our clothes, until I’m wearing nothing but the ring, I can’t help but think that everything that happened was worth it because I’ve never been happier.

I was meant to be Levi’s, and now I get to be his forever.



Two Years Later

“Happy anniversary!” the guests cheer in unison as my dad leads the toast, raising their glasses to us.

Lacey and I clink our champagne glasses together and sip, both of us grinning widely at the gathering of friends and family around us. We rented out a venue space at a local restaurant to celebrate our first wedding anniversary, and it’s turned out exactly like she wanted. But while everyone else is drinking real champagne, she’s on apple juice and soda water on account of the fact that she’s nearly nine months pregnant. She sets her glass down and rests her hand on her bump, a habit she’s picked up ever since she felt the baby’s first kick. Lacey has always been the most beautiful woman I’ve ever set my eyes on, but pregnant? She’s fucking glowing.

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