Page 12 of Drawn To Darkness

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Her refusal has heat flooding my veins, and before I can rethink things, I lift my other hand to the back of her neck and slam my mouth down on hers.

If I thought she would try to fight me off, I’m sorely mistaken. My black-haired beauty unleashes a level of passion on me I’ve never received from a woman, and the kiss goes from unplanned to downright filthy and hungry in a split second.

She kisses the way she dances. It’s not perfect, and I can’t anticipate her next move because it’s wild as fuck.

Her hands come up between us, and while one roams the expanse of my chest, the other one grips my hard as fuck cock through the fabric of my pants. She fucking squeezes until she draws a groan from me, and I can’t resist the urge to thrust against her hand.

Christ. I want her so fucking badly.

Usually, at the very least, I know the woman’s name before I fuck her, but right now I couldn’t care less.

Just as I grab the waistband of her tight-fitting shorts so I can rip them from her body, she pulls away, and before I can draw a desperate breath, she darts out of the studio like a rabbit that’s been spooked.

It takes another precious second before I break out into a run to chase after her, and as I explode into the hallway, it’s in time to see her disappear around the corner.

I race after the woman who’s playing a game I intend to win, but as I reach the corner, the hallway she ran into is empty.

Where the fuck did she go?

Not giving up so easily, I begin to search for her, even going as far as to look in the storage rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms.

When I reach the auditorium, it’s with a sinking feeling that I realize she’s managed to escape me.

For now.

I swear the next time I lay eyes on her, I’ll drag her ass to one of the offices, where I’ll lock the door so she can’t run.

I hear the sound of the vacuum cleaner coming from the auditorium, and turning around, I head to the exit so I can get my ass home. I’m going to check every CCTV camera in the area. One of them must’ve caught her, and from there, it will be as easy as taking candy from a kid to track her down.

Chapter 5


Dear God, what was I thinking?

I wasn’t. That’s the problem.

Just like the other times I’ve seen Dario, I was practically mesmerized by the man. The pull coming from him is impossible to ignore.

The moment he touched me, I knew it would be hard to deny him anything, and when he kissed me, I was overcome with searing desire.

Holy shit, was I overcome.

If I’m not careful, I’m going to fall hard and fast for my boss, and that would be disastrous. People like him don’t mix with people like me. His kind uses my kind to climb to the top and disposes of us like trash when they’re done with us.


God, when he kissed me. When I felt his rock-hard cock through the luxurious fabric of his pants. The man is packing, and I know it will hurt the first time he’s inside me. When I inhaled breath after breath of his addictive scent.

It was so intoxicating I didn’t know whether I was coming or going.

Stop it, Eden!

He almost caught you tonight. You need the money a hell of a lot more than you need a quick fuck that won’t mean a thing.

It might turn out to be the best fuck of your life, but it won’t pay the bills.

When I went to the studio, I thought he’d already left. I even waited fifteen minutes to make sure it was safe.

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