Page 5 of Mine Always

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Ryan would be my first choice for the task, but I couldn’t imagine bringing up the idea to him. I wouldn’t be able to take it if he rejected me or worse, if he laughed at me for thinking I had a shot with someone as gorgeous as he is.

As it is, my pride still stings from his earlier amusement in the kitchen. He probably thinks I’m a lonely nerd.

I push back the painful thoughts and straighten my shoulders when I hear someone else enter the courtyard.

Turning, I paste a smile on my face, hoping that my date was running late. But it’s not my date under the old oak trees draped in Spanish moss and twinkling lights. It’s Ryan that’s stalking toward me.

I stand to greet him. My stomach flips, and my mouth goes dry at the sight of him in his dark suit with the matching masquerade mask. He pulls off the disguise as he approaches. “He must have gotten the location or time wrong.”

I manage a small chuckle, hating that he’s here to witness my humiliating moment. My date got around Ryan, took one look at me, and decided the money wasn’t worth it.

“I probably mixed up the address when I gave it to him.” I’m glad that it’s dark enough that he can’t see the disappointment that’s probably written on my face.

“This means you’re mine now.” Ryan’s voice sounds suddenly deeper and sexier. It must be a trick of the dark.

My stomach flips at the words.

I remind myself he doesn’t mean them the way I want him to.

“It’s fine. You should enjoy the party. I’m not your problem to look out for.” I force myself to put some pep in my voice, so I won’t sound sad.

He leans close, his lips grazing the shell of my ear. “I’m not giving you a choice. You’re my date for the night so get used to it.”

Ryan has never talked to me this way before and I kind of like it, especially the way it makes his voice harsh and growly. I wonder why a smart woman somewhere hasn’t already claimed him. “Why don’t you have a girlfriend hanging around?”

“I’m too much like Captain Kirk, an irresistible ladies’ man.” He takes my hand and puts it in the crook of his arm.

I feel small and delicate next to his much larger frame. “Then who would you say I am from the show?”

We step through the gate and into the side entrance of the opulent hotel where the masquerade is being held. In the distance, I hear the soft strains of music coming from the dance.

“Definitely Spock,” he answers quickly.

I frown. Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are a set. They might be total opposites, but they’re considered a classic and enduring pair. You can’t have one without the other. Is he trying to tell me something?

“You try so hard to stay detached,” he explains.

The words deflate the last bit of hope I had been clinging to. It doesn’t matter. I learned a long time ago that there was no point in getting attached to people or things. I definitely shouldn’t get attached to Ryan or read into the way he’s always so nice to me.

When a waitress passes by, I reach for two flutes of champagne.

“Put them back.” His voice is a rumble in my ear.

I take a quick sip of one. I’ve never liked the taste of alcohol. But something to help me forget that I’m on a pity date with my brother’s best friend is nice right about now.

He plucks both of the glasses from my hands and passes them to a different waitress before frowning at me. “Don’t pull that shit with me. You’re underage.”

“You’re not Captain Kirk. You’re Captain America,” I protest, feeling the humiliation burn in my gut. Not only is this a pity date but he can’t even recognize that I’m a grown woman. “Why do you have to look at me and see a kid?”

“I don’t,” Ryan’s words are quick and harsh.

He pulls me onto the dance floor as a new song starts or at least, I’m assuming that’s what it is. All of the music here at this stuffy event sounds exactly the same to me.

He slides his hands low on my bare back, letting them rest just above the start of my dress. I can feel the heat from his hands branding me and I wish he would run them just a little lower and cup my ass.

Then I would put my legs around his waist, and he would back me up against the wall. He’d have his way with me right here in the ballroom, both of us oblivious to the gasps of shock from these high society people.

“Then what do you see me as?” I finally ask when the horn section interrupts my naughty imaginings. “Your best friend’s annoying kid sister, right?”

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