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His brow knotted. “I won’t.”

For some reason, she didn’t believe him.

Gilley was quite happy to be back at the trailer. While Belle took a shower, he had a party—getting into the leftover tacos she’d gotten for dinner, chewing up a pair of panties, and shredding an entire roll of toilet paper. After she cleaned up the mess, she put him in his crate.

“Obviously, I need to get you a cat to keep you in line.”

Once Gilley was settled, she headed for bed. As soon as she slipped beneath the covers, her mind filled with thoughts of Corbin and Cooper Springs. He wanted her. It was obvious he wanted her. It was also obvious that he still thought she was trying to play him. He had said as much before he had called her a seductive goddess and completely wiped out any logical thoughts in her head—like that having sex with a man who didn’t trust her was an extremely stupid idea.

And yet, if she had thought logically she wouldn’t have had the best orgasm of her life. She wouldn’t know what it felt like to be worshipped with soft kisses and hot sweeps of a skilled tongue.

Corbin had worshipped her. Damned if she didn’t want to be worshipped by him again.

A pounding on the door had her sitting straight up in bed and Gilley barking like crazy from his crate. She jumped up and headed to the living room where she peeked out the front window. It was dark, but not so dark she couldn’t see Corbin’s big white truck. A giddy feeling settled in her stomach as she soothingly talked to Gilley to quiet him before she answered the door.

Corbin stood on the other side looking like he’d just rolled out of bed. His hair was mussed like he’d been running his fingers through it, his western shirt wasn’t snapped correctly, and he was barefoot. He looked totally confused. Like he didn’t know how he’d gotten there.

“What game are you playing, Belle? Tell me. What game are you playing?”

She used the same soothing voice she’d used with Gilley. “I’m not playing a game, Corbin. I swear—”

He didn’t let her finish before he stepped in and kissed her. His kiss was as desperate as his voice had been. His lips were hot and greedy as he shoved the door closed and pushed her against it. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once—sliding under her pajama top and cradling her breasts. Slipping into her pajama bottoms and cupping her bottom. Skimming her back and caressing her stomach. Strumming her nipples and brushing heated strokes between her legs.

“I tried,” he whispered against her lips. “But I can’t fuckin’ resist you anymore. Let me stay, Bella. Please let me stay.”

She shouldn’t. He still didn’t trust her. Any good relationship needed trust. Relationship? Is that what she thought this was going to turn into? If that was so, she needed a reality check. She and Corbin could never have a relationship. He had made it clear he had no intentions of giving back her family’s ranch. Once he kicked her parents and grandmother out, her entire family would hate him.

But was it wrong of her to want just one night?

She drew back from the kiss and looked into his eyes. “Stay.”

He closed his eyes for a second as if offering up a prayer of thanks before he lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bedroom. On the way past Gilley’s crate, he spoke.

“It’s okay, boy. I’m not gonna hurt her.”

Belle wished she could believe that.

But whether he hurt her or not, she hadn’t lied. She wanted him to stay. She wanted it more than Flamin’ Hot Cheetos or Pea-Nutty Buddy muffins or fish tacos. He was an addiction she couldn’t resist.

When they got to his bedroom, he became less desperate. His kisses were slower and deeper. His touches gentler and more thorough. He had her naked before she knew what was happening. Then he lowered her to the mattress on the floor and started taking off his clothes. It was too dark to see anything. And she very much wanted to see everything. So she reached over and turned on the lamp sitting on the floor next to the mattress.

He froze in the middle of pushing down his jeans.

“You got to see me,” she explained. “I want to see you.”

A spark of amusement flickered in his eyes before he finished taking off his jeans and kicking them away. He had already removed his shirt so all he had on were his boxer briefs. Briefs that barely concealed the hard length beneath. That length sprung out when he pushed down the elastic waistband. Belle couldn’t help but stare.

It was impressive.

Or maybe what was impressive was how well it fit with the rest of Corbin’s hard, muscled body. He reminded her of the sleek stud horse her father had paid a pretty penny for.

Corbin was a stud.

And he was hers to ride . . . at least for one night. She wasn’t about to waste a second being inhibited. As soon as he stepped closer, she reached out and wrapped her hand around his hard length. His eyes registered surprise, then steamy heat. As she learned the feel of him, his breathing escalated and he made satisfied, sexy noises in the back of his throat. Wanting to satisfy him even more, she knelt on the mattress and kissed the very tip.

His eyes opened and he looked down at her with a look so hot it took her breath. “You don’t have to, Bella.”

“I know. I want to. You told me yourself that I needed to try things.”

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