Page 51 of Moose

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“You hurt anyone, I won’t fight you. I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your brain,” said Cade.

“I won’t be fighting anyone. Not today, not tomorrow. The only fight I will enter is one in which I need to protect myself or Lucianna,” he said, reaching for Lucianna. She hugged his waist, kissing his neck, and he actually blushed. Erica smiled, realizing that he was truly in love with the woman. “Where am I?”

“Let me tell you a story,” smirked Moose.


“You are REAPER? REAPER-Patriots? Voodoo Guardians?” he asked. The room chuckled at his shocked expression.

“They are good men,” said Erica. “You are a good man, brother. I know it in my heart.”

“I wasn’t always. I’ve been forced to train as a killer since I was ten years old,” he said, staring at his sister. “I’m sorry that we grew up so far apart.”

“I am, too,” she smiled. The door to the auditorium opened, and Matthew and Irene walked in, headed straight toward the young man.

“What the hell?” muttered Luke.

“I asked them to come,” said Wilson without explanation.


“Because we’ve always been good at judging a man’s character,” said Matthew. “That hasn’t changed. I believe I can tell you whether or not there is darkness in this man’s heart and soul.”

“Grandpa, I don’t think that’s something you can see,” said Luke.

“I beg to differ,” said Matthew. He reached out his hand, and U-Jin gripped it, shaking. But Matthew didn’t let go. He held the young man’s hand, staring into his eyes. U-Jin swallowed, staring back as if he had no other choice. He felt a warmth flood through his body as this man stared into his very soul, his heart as if reading his mind.

Irene touched his shoulder, smiling up at him.

“You’ve been through a great deal in your young life,” said the old woman. “So much pain, so much. I’m sorry you had to go through that without anyone to turn to. You don’t have to do that any longer. My boys will take care of you. You and your girl. ‘Course, you’ll need to marry her, but we can talk about that later. You don’t have to be alone any longer, baby. Let my boys handle things, and the girls will take care of your love over there.”

Irene lowered her hand from his shoulder and kissed the young man’s cheek. She touched Matthew’s arm as she left, just as he released U-Jin’s hand.

“You’re a good man in your soul. The darkness is not yours. Be a good man for the rest of your life.” When Matthew was gone, U-Jin knelt on the floor, covering his face. He began to sob, and Erica looked at the others for guidance.

“I have no idea what just happened,” said Luke. “Those were my grandparents.”

“H-he saw into my soul,” sniffed U-Jin, “and he still loved me.”

“Well, that’s Grandpa,” smirked Ben. “But you better believe Grandma will want a wedding if you decide to stay.”

Erica helped her brother to stand. He was much taller than her, but then again, everyone was much taller than she was. He looked down at their nearly identical faces and nodded. He gave her a hug and shook his head.

“I will help you to kill our mother and expose the truth. I’m not sure if I can stay here and make a life, but I’d like to think about it.”

“You help us, and you can have all the time you need,” said Moose.

“Is my sister expected to birth a child of yours?” he frowned. Moose laughed, shaking his head.

“Yeah, that’s something else, ain’t it?”

“I do not believe it’s possible,” he sneered. Erica just laughed.

“The doctors assure me it’s possible. Don’t put ideas into my husband’s head. And I’m no longer Hae-Won. My name is Erica.”

“Erica,” he nodded. “Call me Johnny.” The siblings smiled at one another then hugged. Really, really hugged. Then they laughed and cried and laughed again. The entire scene made Moose very happy.

“Not to break up the love fest,” smirked Cam, “but back to your mother.”

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