Page 38 of Moose

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“I see that.”

“Can you spend a few minutes with me?” he asked. “If you require payment, I can pay you.”

“I’m not a whore,” she frowned, shaking her head. “I work hard, and I enjoy the company of men on occasion, but I’m not a whore. I’m single, young, and enjoy a man’s company now and then.”

“I did not mean to offend you.” She stared at him, finding him incredibly good-looking. He didn’t attempt to force her, nor did he touch her.

“I can’t stay long,” she said. “I do think you’re cute.”

He actually grinned at her, nodding his head. He knew that he was lean and muscular, his face unmarked and attractive.

“I think you are cute as well,” he said, shutting the door to the room. She was a small woman, somewhere between Latino and Caucasian. Her dark hair was piled on top of her head, her large brown eyes beautiful against her skin.

“No names,” he said.

She nodded, unzipping her uniform dress, letting it fall to the floor. Her full bosoms were pressing against the flesh-colored bra, her dark brown nipples already hard.

“With my head injury, perhaps it’s best that you’re on top,” he said.

She smiled as he lay back, stroking his long, slender cock. He reached for a condom, rolling it onto himself as she crawled between his legs, straddling him. Easily, she slid down his length and began moving rhythmically, her breasts bouncing up and down.

He was surprised by how erotic he found her. Normally, unwilling to kiss his bed partners, he pulled her toward him, her lush lips molding against his own. Her flesh was hot to the touch, her breathing sweet and filled with desire.

Biting her lower lip, he knew that she was nearing orgasm and began pumping into her harder and harder. When she arched her back, all her long dark hair coming loose around her body as he filled the condom, watching her smile down at him.

“That was lovely,” she whispered.

“Surprisingly so,” he smiled back. “I don’t think I’m done.”

“Good. Me either.”


In the auditorium, the men of Voodoo Guardians found themselves alone for the first time in many months. The seniors didn’t join them, choosing to hold their own meeting on Belle Île. They weren’t upset by the decision, just a little perplexed.

In spite of creating their own security agency, their fathers and grandfathers still found time and interest in attending their morning meetings. They always had input, were always available for discussions, and never failed to tease them.

As much as they were relieved to finally be ‘on their own,’ they were also somewhat bothered by it all. Why now? Why were they leaving them alone?

“Do you think everyone is alright out there?” asked Cam.

“I think they’re all fine,” said Luke. He looked at the others, shaking his head. “Listen to me. I don’t know what’s going on with the seniors, but Dad said that they’re all fine, healthy, and happy. He said they just needed some time together as a team to learn some new things.”

“New things? What new things?” frowned Ben.

“I don’t know, Ben,” said Luke, shaking his head. “Just let them be.”

“But Mama Irene hasn’t popped in on anyone in days,” said Irish, sitting next to Ethan. Ethan nodded, then spoke up.

“I respect that they want time alone, but it feels a little odd,” said Dunvegan.

“Look, I can’t speak to what’s happening out there, but we’ve been bitching for years that the seniors refused to retire and go out, truly, on their own and that Grandma was still shoving her nose in our business. Now they leave us alone for a few days, and no one seems to know what to do with that,” said Luke. “Just let it be. If it were truly important, truly a big deal, they would let us know.”

“Alright, Luke,” said Eric. “We were just worried, brother.” Luke raked his fingers through his hair, nodding at his friends.

“I know. I know you’re all worried. Honestly? So am I, but we have to give them space. Whatever is happening involves them.”

“Let’s focus on what’s happening in China,” said Cam, taking the spotlight away from poor Luke. “Tanner checked in early this morning, and they’re on the move to a monastery.”

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