Page 33 of Moose

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“So do I,” said Hiro.

“Same,” said Tanner.

“Shit,” muttered Luke. “Alright. See if she can leave G.R.I.P. right now. If Thomas insists on going, let him. They’re your responsibility, the two of you.”

“Got it.”

“Fuck me. Unit 963. Those assholes go to schools to recruit these men. They have to look a certain way, be from a certain parentage, they have to pass incredible physical tests, and then they basically don’t have a life or an option to join. But if this guy left, why was he here?” asked Cam. “Who the fuck is pulling his strings and paying him? I mean, not him anymore. He’s dead. But the other guy.”

“That’s what we need to find out,” said Hex. There was a knock on the doorframe, and May and Thomas entered.

“You wanted to see us?” he said.

“Actually, just May, but I suspect you’ll want to go with her,” Hex explained the situation, and May nodded.

“Of course. I’m happy to go,” she said. Turning to Thomas, she spoke again. “There’s no reason for you to go. I’ll have Tanner and Hiro with me. You’re right in the middle of the project with Finley. It’s important, Thomas. You need to get that done before storm season rages.”

“You know we’ll take care of her, brother,” said Tanner.

“I know,” nodded Thomas. “Alright. I’ll stay, you go. Just please do everything they ask of you.”

May hugged her husband, then excused herself to pack a bag. They would be leaving immediately and hoping to find the Yoons.

“What next?” asked Hex, staring at Luke.

“Next, we find the asshole that left that tracker. Keep scanning the cameras. There’s got to be a glimpse of him somewhere. In the meantime, I’m going to go and get that implant from the guy’s brain. Maybe we can learn something from that.”


With the rain not letting up, Moose and Erica stayed curled into one another the entire day, enjoying a ‘just them’ day. With one risk gone, they only had to worry about the second man, and they would find him sooner or later.

Laying together on the sofa, Moose gently rubbed his hand over the flat belly of Erica. Soft music was playing in the background when he realized that it was a cello.

“Is that you?” he asked, smiling down at her.

“It is,” she grinned. “It’s something I wrote just recently.”

“It’s so beautiful. I mean, I can feel it in my heart. It really speaks to me,” he said with a serious expression.

“Well, that’s good. That means I’ve done my job. It was written for you. It’s called ‘Salvation.’” Moose just stared at her, then shook his head, kissing her.

“Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

“I have a good idea,” she smiled. “As much as my world has been upended, so had yours. You were in a relationship that you thought might be the one, then realized you had to end it. Then you came back here to find a frightened woman and child in your home. And in all of that, you’ve never once raised your voice or given the least little signs of resistance.”

“Resistance?” he laughed. “Honey, I couldn’t resist the two of you for the life of me. No. Resistance was futile. Succumbing was smart. I couldn’t do anything but succumb to the two of you.”

They were both quiet again for a long time, then Moose sat up, staring at her.

“You said I didn’t yell. Did someone yell at you when you were younger?” he asked.

“My father, all the time. As I’ve said before, I don’t remember my grandfather. I think I was kept from him for some reason. I’m not sure.”

“At least your mother didn’t yell at you,” he said with compassion.

“Oh, yes, she did,” said Erica, nodding her head. “My mother had a fierce temper, and when she was angry with me, if I didn’t do exactly as I was told, her yelling was worse than any beating she could have given me.”

“I’m sorry for that,” said Moose. “I’ve never been a fan of yelling. It didn’t make me move any faster, and as far as I could tell, it didn’t make anyone else move any faster. It just seemed a waste of energy. I’m sure your mother was concerned for your safety.”

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