Page 28 of Moose

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“It won’t matter. I’ll be dead either way and so will the woman.”

“You do understand that the man who offered you money to kill her is dead?” asked Christopher. He stared at the man, then at the others. He’d heard that Park was dead, but he thought perhaps it was bogus news. Americans were famous for such propaganda.

“Now, if you already got your money, then you don’t have to worry about it. You’re free to move on. If he didn’t pay you, you won’t get paid no matter what happens.”

“You have no idea what I will do.”

“I know you got drunk last night, tried to rape a stripper on the stage, and beat the hell out of the bouncer. You’re going to do hard time no matter what. Why don’t you tell us why they want the girl dead.”

“Her grandfather. She’s the rightful successor to his presidency, in spite of being a pathetic female.”

“You really don’t know her at all,” laughed Moose. “That woman is brilliant and capable. Her grandfather is dead. Her father is dead. End of story. Find someone else to run your fucked-up country.”

“She must run it or find someone else. If she lives. My job is to kill her so that she cannot appointment anyone else.”

“Why would it matter? She doesn’t want the role,” said Patrick.

“No, but there will be dozens of men vying for the opportunity, and being a female, she will most certainly choose the wrong one.”

“You obviously don’t know women very well,” laughed Cowboy.

“And you don’t know our customs.”

“Explain them. Please, I’m listening,” said Moose. “Explain what we don’t know.”

“Her grandfather made sure that she would be his successor when he died. Not her mother, not anyone else. She would be it as the first-born. Then, her mother took her away, leaving the door open for other possibilities. Except, too many people discovered that she was still alive. Now, she must die or marry a Korean of our choice.”

“She couldn’t marry someone else when she’s already married,” said Moose. The man frowned at him, then looked at the others. Moose waved his ring finger in the air, smirking at the man.

“Then I stand corrected. It’s not her that is in danger. It’s you.”

“Me?” scoffed Moose.

“Yes. You will now be the target for every assassin who wishes to give another man the opportunity to run my country. We certainly won’t tolerate you as our president.”

“Well, good news, asshole. I have no desire to run your country, so fuck all of you. Wise up and do something intelligent, like maybe adopt a democracy and vote a president in. I have no desire, nor does my wife.”

“It won’t matter. Hae-Won Park must die.” Cowboy looked at the others, then stepped toward the man.

“It’s your lucky day. Hae-Won Park is already dead.”


“Do you think he bought it?” asked Moose, staring at his friends.

“I think we made him nervous. If she’s not alive, he has no purpose. Where’s the other one?” Christopher asked the sheriff.

“We’re not sure. He was with him in the bar, but when the fight started to turn, he left. What did you have in mind?”

“Well, I was thinking if the friend came to bail him out or if he got a lawyer, we could accidentally leave something behind,” smiled Cowboy. The sheriff held up his hand, shaking his head.

“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. But I’ve been tellin’ him he can make one phone call. Maybe now he will.” Patrick looked at the desk phone in the interrogation room. He picked it up, removed the cover on the receiver, and placed the pinhead device inside.

“And what if he speaks Korean?” asked the sheriff. The others smiled, and he shook his head. “Never mind. Let me see what I can do. Y’all disappear into the room next door.”

The four men moved next door, watching the other room not through glass but through video cameras. As the two deputies brought the man into the room, the sheriff secured him to the table and pointed to the phone.

“You get one call. Make it good. If it’s international, you’re gonna pay for it.” The man watched him leave, then looked around the room. He didn’t see any cameras, but there could be listening devices.

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