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"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you're trespassing on my property. If you're not gone by the time I count to five, I'm calling the police."

Garrett stares back at him steadily. A brave feat, considering Calder is several inches taller—and broader in the chest and shoulders, too. If this does dissolve into a fight, there's little doubt, I think, as to who has the advantage.

But Garrett's unwilling to back down.

"Fine, call the police. I'll be sure to tell them how you kidnapped a young, innocent girl and kept her trapped in your mansion."

"Stop being ridiculous, Garrett," I say.

He tears his eyes away from Calder and looks at me. His gaze drops to my hand, which I've unwittingly placed on Calder's arm.

"Who is this guy to you?" Garrett asks me.

"He's certainly not a kidnapper."

"You told me you were trying to get money for the Center."

"I was. I am."

“Not here you aren’t.”

I make an exasperated sound. “You worked with us for a year. You know how generous the Cunningham family has been.”

“Isn’t this guy why the Center’s in trouble in the first place?”

“I thought I might make a more convincing case in person.”

Garrett’s eyes are steely. He still won’t break Calder’s gaze. “And what sort of ‘convincing’ does this fucker require?”

Calder’s muscles tighten under my grip.

“This is your final warning to get off my property,” he says. “Or believe me, I will be pressing charges.”

Garrett looks ready to leap at Calder’s throat.

“You may have struck a deal with my editor, but I’m tired of keeping my mouth shut. I’m not going to let you take advantage of Lily.”

“He’s not taking advantage of me,” I insist, but Calder grips my arm.

"Come on," he says. "Let's get back inside. I'm calling the cops." He tries to nudge me toward the door, but Garrett jumps in front of me and grabs me by the shoulders.

"How much money has he promised you?" he demands.

Calder grabs Garrett by the collar and yanks him away from me. "I swear, if you put another hand on her—"

"How much?" Garrett demands even as he struggles against Calder's grip. "How much, Lily? He's a liar! He's a fucking liar! He doesn't have anything. The family's completely broke."

Calder stiffens.

For a moment I just stand there in shock. What? The Cunninghams are broke? That can't be right. Garrett's trying to manipulate me. But there's a gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I've never seen Calder look so pale.

Suddenly he moves, arm flying, and his fist connects with the side of Garrett's face. My ex flies backward.

"What are you doing?" I shriek.

But neither of them appear to hear me. Garrett recovers quickly, scrambling to his feet and launching himself at Calder. Calder catches him around the shoulders, but Garrett is quick. His fists connect with Calder's side as the two wrestle against each other.

"Stop!" I say. "What the hell are you doing? Stop, now!"

They ignore my pleas.

"This is ridiculous!" I say. "Stop it!"

But the two continue to batter each other. Calder takes another swing at Garrett's face, while Garrett jabs his knee upward, hitting Calder in the gut.

I don't know what to do. There's no way I'm getting in the middle of those flying punches. Should I go get Martin? Find my cell and call the police?

I turn and bolt up the stone steps. How the hell did this all blow up so fast?


I'm at the top step. When I turn, Calder has Garrett pinned to the ground. Blood drips from Garrett's nose down a cheek that's already starting to swell. Calder doesn't look much better. He has a split lip and his shirt is torn. Both of them are covered in mud.

Calder holds Garrett down by the upper arms. My ex's eyes are wild, furious—and I know that he'll throw another punch as soon as Calder releases him. I hurry back down the steps.

"You’re insane," I say. "Both of you. Does anyone actually have any idea what the hell is going on?"

"He was screaming at you," Calder says. "Not to mention trespassing on my property. That's all I need to know." He tightens his grip, and Garrett curses.

"Why the hell are you listening to him?" Garrett tries unsuccessfully to twist out of Calder's grasp. "He's a liar. I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but I guarantee it's not what you think."

I wait for Calder to rebut the accusation, but instead he only gives his opponent another shake. His face is full of storm clouds.

My stomach twists as I step closer. "What's going on?"

"He's a liar," Garrett says again. "The whole family's broke."

"Shut up," Calder says. He looks ready to take another swing, so I rush forward and grab his arm, forcing him to turn and look at me. His gaze softens slightly, but not enough—and I know I'm not going to like what he has to say.

"What's going on?" I ask again.

"You better tell her," Garrett says. "If you won't, then I'll—"

"Stay out of this, Garrett," I snap.

I turn back to Calder. His eyes are pleading with me, and I know I'm about to have the rug ripped out from beneath me.

"Tell me," I say, so softly I can hardly hear it above Garrett's ragged breathing.

Calder's gaze darts away, and he lets out a long breath.


"Tell me."

He tenses under my hand, and I can feel his pulse beating rapidly beneath the thin skin of his inner elbow.

"I inherited some financial difficulties," he says finally.

I stare at him for a long moment, trying to process everything that this means.

"Is that why you broke your father's pledge to the Center?" I ask.

His dark eyes bore into me, begging me for understanding.

"It wasn't just the pledge," he says. "I've broken a number of other contracts, too, and I've started selling—"

"Does this mean you never intended to give us the money? That all those promises and all those games were—were what? Just a ruse? Just enough incentive to get me to… to…"

I glance down at Garrett, who's near purple with fury.

"What the hell happened here?" he says, struggling again against Calder's hold. "What the fuck did he do?"

I don't respond. I feel as if someone has dunked me in cold water.

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