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"Yes," I rasp. "Fuck me, yes."

He continues to pound into me, and it's all I can do not to continue my cursing. I can feel my body tensing and tightening, building toward release. I press my forehead against the rail, trying to keep myself together.

But Calder has another idea. He reaches up and grabs my hair, pulling my head up. There's a sharp pain in my scalp, but I don't care.

He thrusts again, and I cry out as climax hits me hard. I grip the railing with white knuckles and bite down on the back of my hand to keep from screaming. From the way Calder groans behind me, I know he feels the way I'm tightening and pulsing around his cock.

He gives a low, rough chuckle. He enjoys watching me fall apart in pleasure.

"Again?" he asks, continuing his rhythmic movements.

It would be so easy to let him take me to the edge once more. My flesh craves it. My heart is beating so fast I'm afraid it's going to burst right out of my ribs, and I'm struggling to catch a solid breath. Calder's grip tightens, and his speed increases. He's not going to show me any mercy.

But as much as I love letting him control these intense encounters, suddenly I'm struck by an urge that I can't allow myself to ignore.

"Wait," I gasp. "Calder, wait."

He slows. "Don't worry, your body can handle it. The second one will be even better."

"No, that's not what I mean." I twist myself away from him. I'm not prepared for the sudden rush of cold I feel when we're separated, or the weakness in my body when I pull myself upright.

Calder stands rigid in front of me, and I can only imagine what he's thinking and feeling right now.

"Get in the chair," I say.

"What?" His voice is tight.

"You heard me." My voice is stronger, steadier than my body feels right now. "Get in the chair.”

This time my meaning sinks in, and there’s a touch of amusement in Calder’s voice when he speaks again.

"I'm supposed to be the one in charge tonight. That was the bargain."

I desperately grasp at the tiny bud of confidence the wine left behind.

"I don't think you know what you're missing," I say in my sultriest voice.

He steps closer to me, pressing me back up against the rail. "You sound very sure of yourself."

I reach up and run a lone finger down his body, starting at his throat and ending at the base of his hard length.

"We're not properly fucking if you never let me on top,” I say as I wrap my fingers around him.

He laughs, but it’s a rough, hungry sound.

“A valid point.”

He steps away from me, and I revel at the sense of power I feel as I watch him settle obediently in one of the balcony’s chairs.

I take a deep breath. I'll admit it: I prefer when he's in control, when I'm at the mercy of his hands and mouth and cock. But there's something deep inside me that needs to do this, that needs to control him for a moment.

I move slowly toward him, and when I’m standing in front of his chair, I reach out and place my hands on his broad shoulders. His muscles flex slightly beneath my touch. I step forward, straddling him with one leg on either side of the chair, and then I run my fingers down his arms, over his smooth hot skin. I can feel him watching me intently, even though I can hardly see his face in the dark. I can hear his heavy breathing over the rain.

I move one hand to his chest and slide it down his stomach, echoing my touch of a moment ago. When I reach the base of his cock, I find him still rock-hard and ready. For all his initial hesitation, he still seems pretty excited to let me take the reins. I curl my fingers around him and slide my hand gently down his length. He's still slick from being inside me.

"Maybe I should torture you a little," I say, taking my time as I slide my hand up his length again. "Maybe I should give you a taste of your own medicine."

He moans, and his hands fly up and grab me by the hips.

"You're already torturing me," he says, his voice tight.

I smile. It's incredibly arousing to be the one in charge for once. I love watching him crumble beneath my touch. I lower myself a little more on his lap, so I'm nearly sitting on his upper thighs.

"Not nearly enough." I slide myself forward so that he can feel my slickness against his legs, so that my tenderest spot rubs up against the base of him. He groans and tightens his grip on my hips, urging me with his hands.

"I'm in charge here," I remind him. "We're doing this at my speed."

He lets out a long, shaky breath, and I know it's taking all of his self-control to keep from throwing me down and having his way with me.

I lean forward and brush my lips along his neck. Once, twice, three times. He sucks in a breath, but that's not enough. I move up to his ear, and then I run my tongue along its curved edge. He squirms a little beneath me, and his fingers tighten on me yet again. Finally I slip my tongue into the ear itself and swirl it around.

Calder lets out a groan.

"Enough," he rasps. "Lily, please." He squirms beneath me.

I'm tempted to give him what he wants, but I'm not done playing just yet.

I stop my gentle strokes and grip him by the shoulders once more. I raise myself slightly, shifting until I'm poised directly over his waiting cock. He moves, trying to drive into me, but I twist away and shake my head.

"We're doing this at my pace," I tell him, parroting back his own words from earlier. This time, when I position myself, he sits still, though I can tell by his low, throaty growl exactly what he thinks of my teasing.

I lower myself slowly, until only the tip of him is inside of me. His shoulders are stiff beneath my hands, and I know he must be going crazy with self-restraint. Good. Let him suffer a little for all those times he's had me under his control. I lower myself a little more, and this time he leans forward to claim my neck. He nips at my throat, urging me onward as I continue my slow descent.

By the time he's all the way inside of me, his breath is ragged, and I know there are teeth marks all over my skin. His skin is blazing hot beneath my hands, and his body is slick with warm sweat, even in this drizzle. From the stiffness in his body, I suspect he's only barely contained. Truth be told, I'm having a little trouble controlling myself.

"How do you like it?" I whisper into his ear. "How does it feel to be at my mercy, for once?" I rise again, just as slowly, and when Calder doesn't answer me immediately, I know he's struggling. I lean forward and give his ear a playful bite.

"You're cruel," he says finally. "You're the cruelest, most infuriating woman I've ever met." One of his hands moves to my neck, and he pulls me down into a kiss. I let him. I suck his bottom lip into my mouth and bear down with my teeth, just a little, just enough to make him moan again. He pulls away once more and begins tracing a path of kisses along my jawline.

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