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When he begins to move, I feel as if the world is crumbling away around us. He drives into me, slowly at first but quickly increasing in speed. Over and over and over again he buries himself, and he leans harder against the backs of my thighs with every thrust. I can't move even if I wanted to. I can only submit to his body, to the demands of his mouth and his cock. I curl my fingers, pressing my nails further into his skin.

He pauses only once, to grab my arms and yank them up, catching them by the wrists. He presses them down on the cushion on either side of my head, trapping them in his grip. It's cramped—one of my arms is bent against the seat, the other elbow rubs the back of the seat in front of us—but I don't care. I don't care about anything but the heat of his skin against mine, the fullness of him inside of me, the joys of his body.

"Fuck, Lily," he chokes out.

I catch his mouth with mine and suck his bottom lip between my teeth. He curses against my mouth, but me moves faster, pounding into me with wild abandon. My head hits against the car door, but I don't care. The pain only adds to the intensity of this moment, and pleasure surges through my veins.

I thought my last climax was a big one, but it's nothing compared to the ecstasy that suddenly explodes through my flesh. I shake with the force of that violent wave, lost to everything but the pleasure coursing between us, wild as the storm outside.

Calder curses again and gives a hard, deep thrust. His body goes rigid on top of mine, and then he shudders as release pours through him as well. After a moment he leans back and slides my legs off of his shoulders, and then he lowers himself gently on top of me. I can feel the galloping of his heart against my own, and I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

It’s too easy, like this, to forget how much I hate him. To forget that I’m supposed to be in control of myself and my emotions and this situation. To forget why I came here, and why I stormed out to the car in the first place.

But I don’t care. I don’t care about anything but the warmth of his breath against my ear and the softness of his skin against my own.

Here, right now, that’s enough.


A little while later, when my body starts to cool down, I realize my feet are getting wet. Calder never bothered to close the car door, and now our tangled legs and feet are dangling out in the rain. But I have a hard time rousing myself. I just want to lie here with Calder's weight on me and his lips against my neck. In here, it's easy to ignore the problems of the outside world.

It's Calder who finally moves, but only to prop himself up on his elbows and stare down at me.

"Well," he says, his voice still ragged, "that was something." His dark eyes roam over my face. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" His own lips are swollen from my teeth, and I'm filled with a wicked sense satisfaction at the lingering evidence of our wild coupling.

"Only if you count the good kind of pain," I whisper.

The corner of his mouth curls up, and he sweeps a strand of sweat-soaked hair away from my forehead before leaning down and brushing his lips against mine. Now that we're no longer in the throes of passion, I notice the faint metallic taste of blood in his kiss. He notices it, too, for he pulls away and touches his bottom lip gingerly.

"A bit of a biter, aren't we?" he says.

My cheeks go hot, but this time I don't turn away from his gaze. I'm not ashamed of myself for getting a little rough.

And neither is he. He reaches out and rubs his thumb along my neck. "Ready to go again?"

"What?" My body is already responding to the suggestion, but I'm not sure it can handle another round like that without exploding into a million pieces.

My thoughts must register on my face because Calder lets out a laugh.

"I'm joking," he says, leaning down and brushing his nose against mine. "But perhaps we can continue this later. Maybe somewhere with a little more room."

I'm still too drunk on our passion to do anything but smile and nod.

We climb awkwardly out of the car. The cold rain is a shock against my heated skin, but for a moment I close my eyes and lean my head back, just letting it wash over me. It makes me feel like a normal person again, not just some sex-high wild woman. After a moment I open my eyes and look back at Calder, who's reaching back into the car for our clothes. Even in the gray, overcast light, the red marks stand out starkly against his bare back. I gasp.

"What is it?" he says.

"Your back," I say. "I didn't mean to—I mean, you said I didn't hurt you."

He reaches around, and his fingers brush against the raised gouges across his spine, slashes made by my nails. He laughs.

"Wild little minx," he says, stepping forward and catching me up in his arms. He leans down and captures my mouth with his. I melt against him, relishing the sensation of his own fingers digging into the flesh along my hips. His lips are fierce, hungry, and he gives my bottom one a nip before releasing me once more.

"We should probably get inside," he says. "You have goosebumps."

I almost tell him the truth—that those goosebumps are from his touch, not the cold—but the sound of my ringtone cuts me off.

"Here." Calder reaches into the bag he brought of my things and grabs the phone. His eyes flick down at the screen as he hands it to me. "Ah. Apparently you're not supposed to answer."

I hear the question in his voice, even as my own hand freezes on the cell. I don't even have to look down at the screen. There’s only one person in my phone labeled “Do Not Answer.”

I don’t know why Garrett’s calling again, but I’m really not in the mood to deal with him right now. I told him to call the Center. If he has any questions or updates, he can talk to my dad. I reach into the bag for my clothes and find his sister’s dress next on top of my muddy, wrinkled things.

I glance up again to find Calder, meaning to ask him about it, but he’s staring at me with an intense expression.

"It's nothing," I say, trying to dispel his concern. "No one important."

"Is this guy bothering you or something?" Calder says.

I shrug. "It's not really any of your business."

"I would think it's at least partially my business, considering what just happened between us."

The last thing I want to do is talk to Calder about Garrett.

"I don't delude myself into thinking what just happened between us was anything more than sex. I'm not obligated to tell you about any other men in my life, just as I don't expect you to tell me about your other women." I do have some pride, after all.

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