Page 96 of Suddenly You

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“Typical, just pushing shit under rugs.”

“Yeah, sometimes it’s easier than dealing with you.”

He scoffs and runs a hand through his hair. “Ah, fuck you, Matt. Fuck you and your fucking roommate. Go up and fuck him, if that’s what you want to do.”

I roll my eyes at that comment, letting him think whatever he wants. Just because I live with a gay man doesn’t mean I’m gay. Although kissing my gay roommate might make me gay…and letting him go down on me…

But I digress. It doesn’t matter what he thinks and to be honest, Mitch’s tantrum pales in comparison to Coop who’s currently passed out upstairs. Drunk Coop who is far too cute consuming that much alcohol.

“Whatever, I’m not doing this right now. I’ll see you later,” I bite out, and Mitch throws up his hands in frustration, a puff of steam exiting his ears. Or maybe I’m imagining it, but I just want him to leave.

To leave me in the peace I’ve created.

With Coop.

Mitch bunches his fists by his sides, his jaw working.

“Go have fun with your fuckboy,” he grunts and then he spins on his heels and exits the lobby. I watch him go, glancing over at Clifford who tips his chin at me.

“He’s an angry one,” he says softly, and I sigh, nodding in agreement.

Yeah, he is.

Although thank fuck he left with minimal damage.

I’ll deal with his shit later, right now I want to check on my husband.

“Matthew,” Coop whispers in his sleep when my bare skin hits his. He feels warm, like home. My racing heart from the earlier confrontation steadies as I press into him, my face burrowed into his neck. He smells like sea salt and strawberries, like my husband.

Fuck, I like this guy more than I should. Like his little touches, his kisses, the way he is always so selfless about taking care of me.

He always puts me first. I don’t think anyone has ever done that before.

It’s like being slowly awoken from a cold, dark night and catching the first rays of sunshine, the warmth coating my skin and bleeding into my soul.

Coop is changing me, just being with him is making me a better man.

If I’m honest, I don’t want this to end. I don’t want to go back to that cold, dark place where I was just surviving.

I want to thrive. With him by my side.

My hands slide across his abdomen and then up to his steadily beating heart, that heart that swells so big for me, that is so caring and kind.

A heart of gold that Mitch will never find if he continues to be so angry.

Things with my brother didn’t end like I wanted tonight, but thank fuck I’m here with Coop, letting his silent confidence ground me. He’ll take care of me.

He will. I know it.

He won’t let me go astray.

In his sleep, his hips cant slightly, rubbing against my dick and I feel it swell in eagerness. I want more, need more from him. I don’t want this to end.

I want to stay. I want to try.

I want to try everything with him.

But right now is not the time. He’s drunk and he needs his sleep. I’ll wait.

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