Page 92 of Suddenly You

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“I am,” I say. “I am married to a man who is not gay, or at least says he’s not.”

Caleb lets out a laugh. “What? That’s crazy, bro. Tell me more.”

I sigh. “Seems we got married while drunk in Vegas. And now he’s living with me. Although we have kissed, and he has let me go down on him.”

Caleb leans into Whit and lets out a satisfied sigh. “I get that. Blow jobs from your husband are the best.”

Whit’s cheeks color and his eyes close.


“Come on, babe, it’s true. You have this way with your tongue. And like, I’ve never felt any teeth ever. Don’t know how you manage it. It’s a skill set.”

I groan and take another sip of my drink. Talking about blow jobs is getting me all hot and bothered.

“Yes, well, amen to that. But Matthew hasn’t given me any blow jobs yet, so it may just be a one-way street for the time being.”

Why I’m telling strangers about my sex life is beyond me, but here I am. I couldn’t be bothered to stop. Seems the drinks are making my lips loose.

Whit’s eyes assess me, dark and curious, almost as if he knows something I don’t. Sure would like him to share with me if he does.

“What?” I ask, taking another long sip of my fruity drink. “Don’t judge me. I can’t help that I’m obsessed with my man.”

Whit shakes his head. “Does your husband happen to have a brother named Magnus?”

My head pops up. “Yeah, why? Do you know them?”

Caleb still looks confused.

“What’s going on?” he asks, his head swiveling back and forth. “Why are we talking about Mags?”

Whit just looks at his husband and then dips his chin. “This is Magnus’s brother’s husband.”

“Huh?” Caleb asks, and Whit lets out a small huff.

“Magnus’s brother, Matt. Remember Sem told us about how they went to Vegas for Max’s wedding and Sem found Matt and another guy naked, covered in?—”

“Splooge,” Caleb gasps and then turns toward me, and the O of his mouth transforms into a Cheshire Cat smile. “You’re the dude.”

“That I am. The dude.”

Caleb leans over to me and pulls me into a hug. “Shit, Sem and I were talking about that for days. We have so many theories. Is it true that you don’t remember what happened?”

“Not a thing. Just that my ass was sore when I woke and that we both made a mess.”

Whit huffs another laugh and Caleb whoops, his hand slapping the counter loudly. “Fuck yeah. The best feeling, amiright?”

I nod and then eye Whit, who once again has his eyes closed. His cheeks are stained red. Must be a perpetual state being married to this guy.

“Well, I guess Matt deserved to be caught naked with another guy, especially with how he treated Mags.”

“Seems so,” I say and then take another noisy slurp of my drink. “Although, he has expressed how sorry he is and his desire to change. And to be honest, I think he means it.”

“He better,” Caleb says with a frown. “No one messes with my buddy.”

“He told me all about what happened with his brothers and Sem,” I say. “He says he deserved the punches.”

“He did. Sem should have done worse, in my opinion. Could have murdered him and I’d have helped bury the bodies.”

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