Page 82 of Suddenly You

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When I said yes to coming to this club, I figured that we’d sit and chat, maybe have a few drinks. But now Coop is off on the dance floor, looking far too good with the way he’s moving his hips and ass.

Sensual, beckoning. He’s like a prize to be won.

I shift on my feet, sipping on my beer. I should down it and then meet him out there.

“You know, Coop has quite a few fuck buddies out there,” Owen tells me, trying to stir shit up, I’m sure.

I refuse to acknowledge it. He’s just trying to get me to react.

“He’s my husband now,” is all I can say.

Coop’s always told me he would be faithful—from the very beginning he announced it. And I trust him. I do. Still doesn’t make me feel good that there are other people out there that he’s been with. People other than me.

Suddenly, from behind him, a man approaches. A beautiful man, who positively shines. I see his hands grasp Coop’s hips and pull him back against his chest.

“You don’t need to just stand here and let that happen,” Patrick says in my ear.

Everyone is whispering things to me, giving me advice I don’t want, telling me things I don’t need to hear.

I take a step away and glance toward Coop once more, watching as his hips sway, his hand lands on that man’s chest. He’s touching someone other than me. It suddenly makes me unreasonably angry.

“You could go get him,” Patrick encourages once more, not getting the hint that I don’t want advice. I know I should go out there and pull him away, but I find myself hesitating.

What if he doesn’t want me? What if he wants someone else? It’s not like he was ever planning to stay with me long-term.

My feet stick to the floor as I try to move forward, my body not working properly. All the doubts come rushing in, and I find myself unable to breathe. I trust him, I do, but at the same time, what if he’s had enough of me?

What if I’m not good enough?

Coop leans back, and I see that man run his nose up his neck and across his cheek, the goal being his mouth. He’s going to kiss him. He’s going to do something I haven’t even done with him.

It’s now that I find the momentum to move forward. Without hesitation, I rush forward until Coop is right there. Right in front of me.

My hands land on him, and I pull him against me. His back hits my chest, and I twine my arms around him, feeling his sigh of relief as soon as he’s pressed against me.

My eyes meet the man’s confused gaze. He looks unsure, but I keep my gaze steady and refuse to look away.

He’s mine.


“Who’s this?” the man shouts, and I hold up my hand, my ring flashing on my finger. I see the man’s gaze swivel toward it, and a sense of pride wells up within me.

Yes, look. Look long and hard.

His eyes start to blink rapidly because he knows. He knows what this means.

“Husband,” I mouth and see the man’s eyebrows shoot up.

“Fuck,” he says as he turns his gaze to Coop.

“This true?” he asks, his hand waving toward me.

I half-expect Coop to step away from me, to tell him that it’s all a mistake, but he doesn’t. He just leans into me further and my hand slides across his stomach. I feel the flex of his muscles against my palm, and I know that his body is responding to mine. To my touch.

He wants me.

No one else.

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