Page 73 of Suddenly You

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My mood isn’t at all helped by the fact I had to place a bandage over the hickey Coop gave me. The kids asked about it too, their little hawk eyes missing nothing. I’ve told them all it’s a cancerous growth. Not that they believed me.

I’m sure they all know what’s under the damn thing.

When class is finally over and the students are in the locker rooms changing, I have a moment’s peace. My fingers make their way up to the bandage and a small wobbly smile threatens to pull my lips up. As much as this thing has been a pain, I like that he marked me.

The door to the gym opens suddenly and my arm flops to my side.

“Oh, fuck me,” I murmur as Brixton makes his way toward me. I sigh as he comes to a stop in front of me, shifting on his feet nervously. If I stand still will he still be able to see me? I don’t know, but it’s worth a shot.

“Uh, Mr. Morris,” he says and runs a hand across the back of his neck.

“Yes, Booger Brixton,” I say, finally blinking. Seems me standing still like a statue didn’t work.

The name makes him giggle. “Booger Brixton. That’s a good one.”

I narrow my eyes at him. That wasn’t supposed to be funny. It was meant to shame him, but it didn’t seem to work.

“How can I help you?”

Brixton shifts on his feet again and then blurts, “Uh, I have a question.”

I arch an eyebrow and he rubs his hands together. “The other day you said I could have a girlfriend or a boyfriend.”

I stare at him. I honestly don’t remember saying that. “What about it?”

“Uh, like, is that okay? To like both?”

My body heats up and it’s my turn to shift on my feet. I was not trained for this. This was not my calling. I just want to yell at kids while they run around a gym.

“Um, yeah. Yeah it is.”

“Yeah?” he asks, his eyebrows rising and his lips tilting up into a smile. “Fuck. Good. Okay, cool. Are you…you know?”

I rub at my chest and feel the ring pressed against my skin. My mind flashes to Coop, my husband, who is at home, waiting for me.

“None of your business,” I reply and when his shoulders sag, I sigh. “But yeah. There’s a guy…”

Brixton peers up at me and grins widely. “Cool. Yeah, that’s cool. Thanks. Mr. Morris.”

I nod, but before he lopes off, I stop him. “Brixton. Seriously though. No more boogers. No one likes them. Boys or girls, neither wanna see that.”

He nods and sends me a salute before disappearing entirely.

Fuck me. I’m not cut out for this. I need a drink.

When I arrive home, Coop is at the stove, an apron over his soft clothes, earphones in his ears. The smell wafting toward me makes my stomach grumble with hunger, and I lean against the wall, watching as he moves. He’s humming along with the music, his little ass shaking slightly.

Fuck, he’s cute.

And he sucked my dick last night.

The thought makes me horny and grumpy at the same time.

Right, he sucked it, but then avoided me.

I feel my lips pull down into a frown at the thought just as Coop startles slightly. He sets his spoon down, pulling an earbud from his ear and looking over at me.

“Hey, baby,” he says softly, and my heart flutters in my chest at that name.

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