Page 64 of Suddenly You

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I carry the bags to the elevator and then into the living room where we spend the next hour going through all the ridiculous shit he bought.

“Honestly, why did you need a pregnancy test?”

“You never know. There could be an alien invasion and they could have sperm that makes men reproduce.”

“What the hell?” I ask with a laugh.

“I don’t know, Matthew, but I need it. In case the aliens come.”

I snort and then look at the piles once more. “You know, you can’t keep all this. I could ask my brother, Magnus, if he’d like some of it. Maybe they could use it for one of their treasure boxes in class?”

“Oh,” Coop says, his eye brightening. “Oh yes. And ask him what more they might need. I can totally go back tomorrow and grab more.”

The thought that he’d do that has me shooting a text to Magnus and asking him if he could make use of this stuff. He replies almost instantly that he could, and so we make plans to head out there someday soon to drop it all off.

“You’re absolutely ridiculous for buying all this stuff but at least it will go to good use.”

He pulls me close to him and rubs his nose against my skin. “I may be ridiculous but you adore me. Admit it.”

I do. I do adore him, but I can’t say it. This will all come to an end eventually anyway. So I just hold on to him a bit tighter until he eventually pulls away.

“Now, about dinner. Would you like me to cook or should I order in?”

I look at him and then the weather outside. It’s still raining, a steady stream.

“Maybe I should cook.”

“Oh yeah? You cook? Will you wear just an apron so I can see those hot as fuck buns while you’re working?”

My cheeks flush, and I turn my gaze away.

“I’ll be wearing clothes, but I can figure something out. You’re always cooking for me. I think I need to start doing something for you.”

“You really don’t need to, but I do love a male cooking. And I am rapt to watch you move around in the kitchen. All domestic.”

My eyes roll, but I manage to look in the fridge with some decorum. I can feel his eyes blazing into me though, and I feel my cock perk up at that. The things he does to me, like earlier in the tub—the fact that I merely rubbed against him and came, the way he touched my asshole, and I was wild with lust over it.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I refuse to question it. Max is happy and so is Magnus. Maybe I can be happy with a man too.

I am happy with one.

For the time being, at least.

“How about a Cobb salad?” I ask and Coop’s eyebrows rise.

“A salad? That’s what you’re going to cook?”

“Well, I’ll have to boil some eggs and cook some bacon, so yeah. Cook.”

He waves his hand around his face and then stands up, moving to the alcohol cabinet.

“You making a drink?”

“Mhm, and one for you, my handsome chef.”

I ignore his comment, even though my chest puffs out a bit. He thinks I’m handsome. He’s attracted to me, and it seems that I am attracted to him as well.

I carefully put the eggs on to boil and then get to work with the bacon. As it cooks, I chop the vegetables and watch as Coop sits back at the island, sipping on his lemon drop cocktail. He handed me my Long Island iced tea a moment ago, and I’ve been sipping on it. Fuck, he made this strong.

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