Page 6 of Suddenly You

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My head swivels, and I stare at him over my shoulder.

“You are married to a man, the same man you’re in the shower with.”

“This doesn’t count.”

“Did you say ‘no homo’ beforehand? Because I heard that works,” he teases as he shuts the water off and pushes past me. His wet, naked body brushes against mine, and I squash the urge to press into him once more.

It has nothing to do with him being a man. It has everything to do with being touched.

Fuck, I hate that I’m like this. It’s disgusting. I wish I were any other way. It would make life so much simpler.

“Come on, better get out before you catch cold.”

I glance at Coop, who is holding a towel out for me. He has one slung around his trim waist, water still dripping from his hair down his chest. Grabbing the towel from him, I quickly wipe myself dry and move into the bedroom, searching for my suitcase.

When Coop picked me up for Vegas, I was worried how I was going to afford a hotel room, but he told me that he already had one for us. Of course, I’d refused, not wanting to share one with him, but he just glowered at me and told me that we weren’t going to share a bed and to stop being a baby about it.

I’d huffed and puffed, but my maxed-out credit card was silently thanking me.

This was an impromptu trip I really couldn’t afford.

Being a high school PE teacher doesn’t really pay the bills. Even the stipend I get for the coaching I do after school and over the summer barely covers the electric bill.

I don’t know where I went wrong, but I did. Somewhere.

“I’m gonna go grab some coffee. Would you like something?”

“Where are you going?” I ask as I pull a t-shirt on.

Coop’s eyes drag away from me and he shrugs, grabbing his phone and wallet.

“Dunno. Thought I’d see what’s around. Vegas is known for the sex and the food.”

“Alright,” I say, wanting to get out of the hotel room. If I stay here, I may ruminate too hard on the fact that I’m married to a man. Or the fact that I showered with him and showed him my hard dick. “And while we’re out, can you make some calls. Get this sorted.”

He ignores me as he opens the hotel door. “Come on, Matthew. Let’s go get caffeinated.”

“But I want to get this shit annulled, Cooper.”

I wave my ringed hand around, and Coop sighs as he places his palm on my lower back, pushing me out the door. It clicks shut behind us as we move into the hallway. He doesn’t take his hand away from me, and I don’t say anything.

Even though I should.

I so should.

“We can discuss this when I have enough caffeine in my system. I can’t fucking think right now when my head is throbbing this much.”

“Fine,” I say, my lips turning down when he removes his hand from my back and pulls his phone out. His thumbs fly across the screen, and I peer over at him as we wait for the elevator.

“Who are you messaging?” I ask, and he glances up at me.

“My fuck buddy. Telling him I’m taken now.”

“Jesus,” I murmur as the elevator pings and the doors open. He reaches behind me once more, that hand settling on my lower back and moving me forward.

“I am nothing if not faithful, Matthew.”

I glower at him, and he reaches up and pinches my cheek.

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