Page 35 of Suddenly You

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“I thought you hated my straight-man wardrobe.”

“Seems I might have a thing for these t-shirts, Matthew. Sue me.”

“I would if I could afford it.”

I sigh and take another sip, choosing to forgive him for being a klepto because he’s making me breakfast that is making my stomach rumble in eagerness the longer I sit here. When was the last time someone did this for me?

Not including when I was a kid. How about never?

Usually I’m grabbing a plain bagel on my way out the door. If I’m lucky, I’m able to eat some cereal. But right now, I’m about to eat like a king.

A plate is set before me, an egg scramble with a side of toast and bacon. I gobble it up, stuffing my cheeks impossibly full like Sem. But god, who could blame me? This is so damn good.

“Slow down,” Coop says with a grin as he takes a seat next to me, his leg bumping into mine. I don’t move away, just let our knees touch while we eat.

“I’ll do what I want.”

“Oh, independent. I love it.”

I’m halfway done with breakfast when my phone buzzes. Glancing down, I see that it’s Mitch again. Hopefully there’s not an explosion coming. I don’t know if my tired brain could cope with it.

With a sigh, I swipe at the screen, declining the call.

“What’s wrong?” Coop asks, daintily picking at his eggs and peering over at me.

“It’s my brother, Mitch. He’s probably calling me to talk me into trying out for some soccer league team this morning, but I’m not feeling it.”

“Oh, well then tell him no.”

“I did last night, but he’s not taking no for an answer.”

Coop eyes me, setting his fork down and wiping his lips. “Do you normally do sports activities with your brother?”

“Yeah, but I don’t feel like it this time.”

“Why not?” Coop asks, and I shrug.

I can feel his eyes on me, and I shift in my seat. Our legs slide against each other, and I feel his ankle link with mine.

“Is it because you’re married to me now? You don’t want Mitch to know so you’re avoiding him?”

“Yeah, maybe a bit. Don’t want to deal with his shit. And is it really so bad for me to want to take a few months off? I’m run ragged.”

His hand slips to my back, and he rubs small circles around it, making tingles explode across my skin. I feel his touch all the way to my toes. Without meaning to, my eyelids flutter closed and I let out a content little sigh.

“You deserve to take a break. You’ve been working so hard.”

I nod and force my eyelids back open. I will not moan and melt. I refuse. I have some dignity left.

A small amount, but dignity nonetheless.

“I know, but I feel guilty for ditching him. Sports have always been our thing. And Max’s too, but really mine and Mitch’s. It’s what we bond over. It’s really the only thing we have in common.”

“Hm, well, in my opinion, you don’t need to feel bad about this at all. He can survive without you for a season. This is about you now and doing what you need to do for yourself.”

“Like marrying you? Moving in?”

“Exactly,” he says, his white teeth showing in a grin. “Baby, I’m gonna be so good to you.”

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