Page 27 of Suddenly You

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“Oh, I’ve got you covered.”

“How so?”

“Don’t worry about it, but I’ve got it covered.”

I ponder it a minute. “Okay, well, how the hell am I going to explain this to my parents? To Mitch?”

“How about the truth? Mom, Dad, Mitch, I married a gay man and am now living with him.”

I let out a loud laugh. “Hell no. Can’t do that.”

He shifts and his hand moves to my neck, massaging that place behind my ears that makes my heart all fluttery and my muscles limp.

“Just say you found a real awesome room for rent close to work with an attractive roommate, and leave it at that. You’re not a kid. You can do whatever you want. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.”

The way he says it, like it’s no big deal makes me feel a little silly for overreacting. But he hasn’t met my parents. He has no idea what they’re like. If they find out…

No. There’s no way they’d know. It’s not like they stop by to say hello. I only see them when they invite me over for dinner, which happens far less than it probably should.

But then there’s Mitch to think about. I do meet with him a few mornings a week to play ball and we have plans to join a soccer league soon. But just like my parents, he never really comes over, far too busy with work. In actuality, I don’t have to give anyone Coop’s address, which means they’d never have to meet him. And the only way I’ll ever afford a divorce is if I do this. That’s the only way he’ll let me go. I know it. He’s going to dig his heels in. He wants something from me and won’t give me what I want until I cave. And how bad could it be, living with Coop?


“Fine?” Coop sounds disbelieving. “That’s it, really?”

“Yeah, fine. Just don’t tell my parents or Mitch anything about us and we’ll be good. I don’t need that stress in my life.”

He zips his lips and throws away the key. “Your secret is safe with me. I don’t want to cause any drama.”

“No, you just want to derail my life.”

“I do not.”

“Yeah, well, if you wanted to make my life easier, you’d divorce me with those fancy lawyers of yours. I honestly have no idea what’s in this for you.”

He shrugs. “I have my reasons.”

“Probably nefarious ones,” I murmur, and he grins at me. I can’t even be mad because he’s rubbing my neck once more, and I’m basically purring under the attention. I really need to get laid, or find someone to cuddle me. It’s bad news when I’m turning to Cooper for attention. I have a feeling he won’t let me get away with this either. He’s going to use every inch I give him.

I need to figure out what the underlying reason is. If I had the money, I’d hire my own PI to investigate his motives.

Seems while I’m living with him, I’ll have to resort to eavesdropping and snooping. See if I can figure him out. Although, a bored, rich guy like him, he could just be doing all this for shits and giggles.

That’s probably all this is.

An entertaining game.

“Oh, let’s stop and grab brunch,” Coop announces moments later.

“Why? We just ate like two hours ago.”

“Yes, but they have the original Taco Shop up here and it’s delicious. Don’t you know? Have you honestly never been?”

“We can’t just wait till we get back to Orange County?”

“Nope, I’m putting my foot down. We have to make this stop. It’s delicious and I refuse to be denied a treat.”

He punches the address in on the large dashboard screen, and I wonder if there was ever a time he was denied something. I bet I’m the first person on Earth who’s ever pushed back.

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