Page 21 of Suddenly You

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There’s nothing wrong with doing this just once. Just this once and then never again.

I wake sometime in the night, my chest pressed up against Coop’s, my face tucked into his neck. We shifted slightly, my body now turned into his, one of his hands still in my hair and the other under the waistband of my boxers, above my ass.

And I’m still hard, my boner not having gone down in the least.

I really should move to my own bed. This is concerning, these feelings popping up within me, but I’m too tired, too relaxed. And honestly, who fucking cares what anyone thinks? No one has to know about this.

So I stay, snuggling in further, burrowing myself as close as I can get, and let my eyes slide shut once more.

I can deal with all of this tomorrow.

Chapter Three


“Wake up, Matthew. We’ve gotta hit the road,” I hear Coop say softly, his voice raspy from sleep.

I grumble my refusal and press into his warm skin a little more. Even hours later, he smells good, like flowers in the spring.

“Don’t wanna.”

“Oh, baby, but we need to. You slept so well and check out is soon.”

“Mmph,” I murmur nuzzling against him. Never in my life have I nuzzled, and yet here I am.

But then again, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?

I can just blame it on the alcohol we had last night.

“Oh, sweet Matty,” he croons as he runs his fingers down my spine slowly. Shivers shoot through me, and I arch into him. He feels good, far too good. No man should ever make me feel this way.

He continues to pet me though, and I let him. Let him stroke me awake. When I finally move off of him, I roll over and smash my face into a pillow. It smells like him and I inhale, trying not to rut against the mattress.

Listen, it’s been a while and a man gets horny.

I get horny when I’m touched like that. It could happen to anyone.

I’ll just rub one out in the shower.

“Coffee?” I croak, and Coop grins down at me, hopping up and then leaning down to run his fingers through my hair once more. I can’t help but arch into it before pulling away. The time for cuddling is over. I have to come back to reality.

The reality of being straight and married to this man.

“Once we’re showered and packed up, I promise coffee is the next thing.”

I dip my chin as I roll off the bed, stretching my loose muscles as I follow him into the bathroom.

It’s a bit of a chore, taking a piss with a boner, but I manage. And to be honest, I’m not even worried that he sees it. I’m really relaxed, not a care in the world. Don’t even mind that Coop is in here, turning the shower on and stepping inside. Reality will hit me soon enough. For now, I’m gonna bask in not being worried for once in my life.

“Hurry up,” I say, leaning against the counter and waiting my turn. It smells like flowers in here, some kind of soap he bought last night. It fills the space, floral and heady, and I try to be discreet as I inhale it.

I’ve never told anyone this, but I kind of wish I had a house so I could have a garden. I’d sit out there and just stare at all the colors, watch as the bees pollinate the flowers, take meticulous care of them.

Just like I want to be cared for.

“Earth to Matthew,” I hear, and I turn my gaze to Coop. He’s wiped the steam from the shower door and is looking at me through it. “This shower is enormous. Get in here. We can kill two birds with one stone. One cock?”

He waggles his eyebrows at me, and I roll my eyes. Honestly, I wanted to take a shower alone to get off—I really need to get my cock under control—but the idea of getting to coffee sooner is enough to have me stepping inside the shower.

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