Page 109 of Suddenly You

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I blow him a kiss, and he blushes, ducking his chin and following Sem into the vehicle, strapping a seatbelt on. Well, at least it has seatbelts.

“Where is he taking him?” I ask, and Magnus slurps on his tea.

“Just a little shack in the middle of the desert.”

Good fuck, what does that mean?

Chapter Eighteen


The Jeep, if you can call this monstrosity a Jeep, bumps along the dirt road—well, if this is what you’d call a road. I think he’s trail blazing right now. The car is missing a roof and doors, and I’m pretty sure that he welded this thing together. I grab on to the oh-shit bar in front of me and pull my shirt over my nose and mouth with the other. It’s dusty as fuck out here, and I’m finding it hard to breathe.

“So, you and Cooper, how’s married life?” Sem asks me, unbothered by the dirt flying all around us. Must be some kind of dust monster living out here.

I peer over at him and see his big hands strangling the steering wheel. Those hands could end up strangling me. I don’t know what I was thinking getting in this contraption with him, but I did it. I wanted to make a good impression on him and Magnus.

I wanted to show them I can do better. That I am better. Whatever hazing they have in store for me, I’m ready.

“Good,” I say behind the fabric of my shirt.

Sem glances over at me. “Can’t hear you.”

I peel it down and say loudly, “Good. It’s good.”

“Yeah?” Sem asks and then goes over a bump unnecessarily fast, sending me shooting upward. My seatbelt catches and I let out a startled cry as I’m yanked back down. Fuck, that kind of hurt. I may even have a bruise there later. Jesus. I’m a dead man.

I glower over at Sem, who is biting back a grin.

That fucker.

“How much longer?” I ask, rubbing at my bruised shoulder, and Sem shrugs.

“A while.”

I don’t know what that means. Could be minutes, or even hours. All I know is that Sem makes sure to go over a lot of potholes in the ground, shaking and rattling this death trap like it’s his job.

By the time we finally arrive at the creepy shack in the woods, my stomach is roiling and I feel the beginnings of a headache starting. Damn, that can’t be good for your body.

I stumble from the Jeep on wobbly legs and take in a gulping breath as soon as the engine sputters to a stop. I take in the scenery around me. Cactuses and brush surround a small, roughly built cabin. It looks like something made ages ago, with an actual hammer and nails. An ATV is parked outside the door, and when I get a little closer to the shack, I see that the curtains are drawn.

It’s right out of a horror film.

“Did you build this?” I ask Sem, and I hear him grunt that he did.

“Very cool,” I lie. It’s very not cool. It’s very creepy, but then again, my brother is married to him, so he can’t be that bad, right?

Suddenly, a low moan emanates from between the planks of the cabin, causing Sem to sigh.

“Those assholes,” he murmurs as he pounds on the rickety door. It bows under the stress, and I hear a voice shout, “Give us a minute. Oh fuck, I’m gonna come. Oh, I’m coming!”

My eyes widen as Sem turns toward me, his lips pinched.

“My cousin is a horny bastard. Poor Whit. His dick has to be tired all the time.”

Oh god. I don’t even wanna know any more details, but it seems I must. I’m made to listen to this erotic hidden porn show.

I shuffle on my feet and wait, trying not to listen to Sem’s cousin bust a nut. But he does for a long-ass time, an orgasm that seems to go on and on. Good fuck, is this what I sound like when I come? I sure hope not.

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