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Which it does when I read the words on it, imagining Aragon on the chaise lounge quickly penning the note.

What led him to write me a note? I frown as I try to make sense of the grumpy dragon shifter. His whole behavior is nonsensical up until this point.

When there’s a knock on the door, I quickly shove the note under my pillow as if I have a reason to hide it. As if it’s a secret, an ode to the man whom I’d only ever witnessed once before. Beneath the mask of a heartless, grumpy male, a gentle lover does exist.

But it’s my secret to keep.

“Come in!” I call out while I throw my legs off the side of the bed. When Lily pops her head through the opened door, my heart pulls tight with faint disappointment.

“Good morning, Yaz!” she greets cheerfully. “Are you ready to go?”

“What? Where?” I ask with a frown as I get to my feet and stretch my arms over my head. I notice that she’s already dressed for the day, and wonder why I’d overslept.

It probably has to do with the heart palpitations I experienced yesterday when Aragon frightened me…

“The arena, of course,” Lily giggles as she heads to the wardrobe and picks out a summer dress. “We didn’t get to go there yesterday. But Phoenix is watching Tyson today, so we won’t be interrupted.”

“Who’s Phoenix?” I gather the fresh clothing and proceed to the bathroom. Lily follows me there as if it’s the most natural thing in the world to see me undressing and act oblivious to my nakedness.

“Phoenix is Aragon’s mother,” she replies with a smile. “She isn’t allowed to meet you yet.”

“Lemme guess…” I sneer as I enter the shower stall. “Aragon.”

Lily sighs. “Yeah. Draco did the same thing to me. It won’t last very long, you know?”

“What won’t last?”

“The act. They think we’re weak and fragile until they realize that it’s actually their hearts that are like stone,” Lily sneers. “Aragon won’t be arrogant for much longer. Trust me.”

I turn my face away, focusing on the gentle spray of the shower instead. I want to trust her. I want to believe that Aragon will show me that soft side of himself again. I’ve been yearning to see it again—to experience it. Even if I may not know why, I want to see that side of him again.

It’s not like there’s a future for us. It’s a fantasy cooked up in my head, probably from all the new revelations I’ve received over the past few weeks. The fresh air is needed, I realize when Lily passes me a towel.

Maybe visiting the arena isn’t such a bad idea after all. I can clear my mind and not have to think about the gentle nature of the dragon shifter.

“Oh, my God!” Lily gasps when I’m done slipping on the dress.

“What?” I shrug as I turn toward her. Her eyes twinkle with mesmerization, surprising me as I stand there oblivious to what she’s looking at.

“You’re breathtaking in that dress, Yazmine,” she breathes in awe as she steps forward. In one swift movement, she turns me around to see my own reflection in the full-length mirror.

I gasp, too, realizing how effortlessly stunning I look. Not being one to care much about my appearance, I’m shocked. The summer dress flows perfectly from the flare of my hips, the tighter bodice hugging my chest like the perfect embrace.

It’s only ever since coming to the island that I’ve started to like what I see in the mirror. Being someone who couldn’t care less to wear a dress has changed, too.

I actually like what I see now, a giddy feeling erupting in my chest as a girlish giggle escapes my lips.

“Not bad, huh?” I chuckle, cheeks heating up with a blush.

“Now…” Lily slides her arm through mine, smirking at my reflection. “... Let’s have the dragon man eat his heart out.”

The mischievous intent stays with me as we go to the training arena. The bleachers are empty, providing a safe space for Lily and I to take our seats as we wait for the dragon shifters to enter.

The group of bullies is the first to enter, spotting Lily and I sitting on the top row. They stop and huddle together, whispering between themselves and throwing heated glances my way.

A shiver of alarm travels down my spine, causing a lump in my throat as I recall their hostility. Lily seems to notice, and places a hand on my lap.

“I heard about yesterday,” she says. “But you don’t need to worry.”

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