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The woman staring back at me is the same one I greet every morning before work. The one who ties her hair into a neat bun affirms that she is fulfilling her purpose in research and discovery.

So it comes as a surprise when I find myself frowning as I stare into green eyes, wondering if being the dragon’s mate is my destiny now. Suddenly, there’s an empty feeling in my chest, calling to me like it needs to hear affirmations I’d neglected to give myself before.

It’s not like I felt the need to do that—to utter sweet words confirming the beauty of my outer shell. I never imagined myself as beautiful, my hand instinctively settling on my belly where a prominent bulge sticks out. I’d always just hidden my figure behind lab coats and baggy clothes.

Right now, I’m compelled to see myself differently.

Shrugging off the strange feeling of having to question my outer shell, I open the door leading to the bathroom. I find a towel on the rack, but I have to settle for getting back into my pajamas when I’m done showering.

At least, I thought I would have to until I walked back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around my frame, only to find a fresh set of clothes on the bed. Along with it is a note promising more clothes, signed by Lily.

I can’t help but smile at the gesture, grateful when I dress into soft cotton pants and a button-up blouse. The exquisite texture of the clothes screams money and allows me to momentarily drop my guard.

Something that I’ve been doing every time the grumpy dragon shifter is around. Despite my better judgment. An unsettling shiver courses down my spine, and I just want to escape it.

Even my appetite dies, pushing me toward rest instead.


My body feels more relaxed than it has in ages. I notice the difference when I’m hauled out of slumber, regaining the feeling in my nerves as I wake up.

Yawning and stretching my arms over my head when I’ve rolled over onto my back, I spend precious time opening my eyes. The smell of melted cheese delights me, bringing back the rumbling in my tummy. At least my appetite is returning, having had some time to rest my mind and not have to think about my circumstances.

I part my eyelids to the sight of the traditional patterns on the ceiling above me Tracing those geometric intricacies, I have the sudden urge to study all there is to learn about the dragon shifters.

I turn my face to the left, where the aroma of melted cheese stems from, only to find Aragon seated casually on a chair. I gasp as I scramble to get into a decent position, instinctively grabbing the duvet and pulling it over me.

There’s something in the way his eyes are glossed over with darkness. Like hunger, watching me keenly as if I’m about to die by his hand.

Except he’s not a killer. He hates humans, apparently. So why is he still staring at me?

“Finally,” he murmurs as he finally drags his eyes from my face to the nightstand on the side. “Have your dinner before it gets cold.” His gaze returns to me, still dark and mysterious, as he rakes his eyes down the outline of my frame.

I’m made to feel heavily conscious, and I don’t like it at all. My body shudders as I reach for the food tray, desperately needing to distract myself.

As I lift the fork to dig into the lasagne, I can’t help but wonder if I’m doing it again—if I’m falling victim to the dragon’s commands by simply accepting what he says. Like right now, I reached for the food when he told me to eat.

“I’m not hungry,” I mutter, pushing the tray away in defiance.

“Suit yourself,” he shrugs. “Your well-being is of no concern to me.”

I frown after him as he stands up and walks around the bed. He leans down and begins packing stuff on the bed.

Familiar stuff—my laptop bag, a metal case. How did he—

“I brought your things from the lab in Sacramento,” he announces almost boastfully when he’s done packing everything on the bed. With a wicked smirk, his eyes meet mine. It’s almost as if he’s expecting to be commended for this great deed.

As irritated as I am by his mere presence, it takes a moment for me to peel my eyes away, caught in the intensity of his penetrating gaze. It’s magical and unruly. Just another tactic to catch me off-guard.

“Why did you do that?” I frown when I finally snap out of the daze and look down at the bed.

“The only reason you wanted to go back home was to continue your research, right?” he asserts, folding his arms across his chest. “Now, there’s no need for you to go back.”

I shake my head as I lift my eyes to meet his. There’s something so prideful in the way he stands there, towering over my lap equipment with a smug smile. But through the mask of his pride, I cannot help but wonder if he owns a stroke of compassion he isn’t willing to acknowledge.

Why else would he care enough to bring my things here? Like a feeble attempt to appease me, to win over my trust.

After all, he’s powerful enough to snap my neck if he wants to. Right now, I’m not able to see a flicker of looming threat in his eyes. Instead, he watches me keenly, gauging my reaction. Causing an unfamiliar sense of awareness to pass through me.

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