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She broke away with a gasp, cheeks flushed. “I think it’s time we head to the hotel.”

Hendrix’s grin was slow and predatory. “Your wish is my command.”

Hand in hand, they made their way down the path toward the hotel, anticipation thrumming between them with every step. Paris was meant for lovers, and Chloe had every intention of indulging. This was going to be a weekend to remember.

Hendrix slid an arm around Chloe’s waist as they walked, pulling her close against his side. His hand settled on her hip, thumb brushing back and forth in a distracting caress.

“Have I told you how stunning you look?” he murmured, gaze raking over her figure-hugging red dress.

Chloe arched a brow. “You may have mentioned it once or twice.”

“Not nearly enough.” Hendrix pressed a quick kiss to her temple. “I still can’t believe you’re mine.”

A surge of warmth flooded her at his words. Chloe tilted her head up, meeting his gaze. “I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me.”

Hendrix’s eyes darkened, and for a moment she thought he might whisk her off to the nearest alleyway. But he simply pulled her closer, fingers tightening on her hip. “Always,” he vowed softly.

By the time they reached the hotel, anticipation was a live wire under Chloe’s skin. She barely registered checking in or riding the elevator up to the penthouse suite. As soon as the doors slid open, she grabbed Hendrix’s hand and tugged him inside.

He chuckled, low and rough. “Eager, are we?”

“You have no idea,” she shot back, fists curling into the lapels of his jacket, as she backed him toward the bedroom.

Hendrix’s hands settled on her waist, guiding her steps. “Why don’t you show me, then?”

Chloe surged up on her toes, crushing her mouth against his. Hendrix’s groan reverberated through her, spurring her on. She poured a year’s worth of longing and desire into the kiss, clinging to him as if her life depended on it.

By the time they tumbled onto the bed in a tangle of limbs, they were both breathless. Hendrix braced himself over her, eyes dark with passion. “I love you,” he said hoarsely.

Joy swelled inside her, as bright as the city lights outside their window. Chloe cradled his face in her hands, smiling up at him. “I love you too.”

Then Hendrix was kissing her again, and she lost herself in the sweet perfection of the moment.

They explored each other slowly, savoring every touch and taste. Chloe traced the lines of Hendrix’s tattoos with her tongue, drawing a ragged groan from him. In turn, he lavished attention on her breasts, teasing her nipples into stiff peaks before sliding lower.

Chloe gasped as Hendrix settled between her thighs. His mouth was hot and clever, wringing pleasure from her in waves. She fisted her hands in his hair, clinging to sanity by a thread.

Just when she thought she might come undone, Hendrix lifted his head. His lips were wet and swollen, eyes gleaming with wicked intent. “Not yet, darling.”

A whimper caught in her throat. She started to protest, but Hendrix chose that moment to thrust into her, stealing her breath.

They moved together in a slow, primal rhythm. Chloe wrapped her legs around Hendrix’s waist, urging him deeper. The coil of heat in her belly wound tighter and tighter until she shattered with a broken cry.

Hendrix followed soon after, burying his face against her neck. They lay entwined for long moments, hearts pounding in tandem.

“Best vacation ever,” Chloe mumbled, trailing a hand up and down his spine.

Hendrix huffed a laugh, pressing a kiss to her collarbone. “It’s only just begun, darling.”

A delicious shiver ran through her at the promise in his voice. Paris with Hendrix by her side—what more could she ask for? This was the start of an adventure she never wanted to end.

The next morning, Chloe woke to sunlight streaming through the windows of their suite at the Shayna hotel. She stretched with a contented sigh, relishing the ache in her muscles.

Beside her, Hendrix was still asleep, one arm slung over her waist. His chest rose and fell with each breath, face relaxed in slumber. Chloe traced the sharp line of his jaw, admiring the play of light and shadow across his features.

How had she gotten so lucky? To think she’d nearly missed this, too afraid to risk their friendship for the chance at something more. Now, being with Hendrix felt as natural as breathing.

The aroma of freshly baked croissants wafted through the air, mingling with the earthy scent of freshly brewed coffee. Chloe’s stomach rumbled in response, but she was loath to leave the comfort of Hendrix’s embrace.

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