Page 57 of A Cursed Hunt

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The heat on her cheeks grew. “I would have understood if you took the opportunity. After all, shouldn't I want you dead?” She held up her gloved hand.

“And do you?” His throat bobbed. “Want me dead?”

She had. That part of her that loved her Bold Wing more than life certainly did. The confusion of that recently resurrected memory came flooding back through her. He’d rode Mrithun to her death and shoved Meira right out of the harness. That should be enough for her to hate him. Yet, she couldn’t find it in herself. Why would he save her just to betray her? Everything she knew about him didn’t exactly lend itself to convincing her that he’d do what he’d done in that memory or that he’d do it again. Perhaps she was being naive. Shame was a pit in her chest.

Still, she answered, “Maybe. Maybe not,” and grinned. Dragons. She was grinning.

And he was…

Remis leaned toward her and pinched her chin between his thumb and pointer finger. Pulled her in closer until their breath mingled. His eyes were hooded, watching her, waiting. Waiting for her to say yes, she realized. He was giving her the chance to pull away again.

Damn it all. She didn’t want to pull away.

Instead, she leaned in, let her mouth brush carefully over his, closed her eyes, and tested this new closeness.

He exhaled, his hot breath fanning over her lips a half a second before he kissed her. The first touch of their lips was gentle and cautious, new territory to be explored with a careful tenderness. Then his tongue slid against her lips. She opened for him. Her body melted into his arms, his long fingers intertwining in her curls. The kiss turned damn near unlawful as it became more intense, more demanding. Remis moaned into the kiss and Meira could feel the vibration of it in her chest.

Meira broke away, sitting back, and taking in fresh air. Her lips felt swollen and the taste of him still lingered on her tongue. Her hands trembled as she pulled them away from him. She shouldn’t have done that. She wasn’t supposed to let him get this close. Yet she found herself wanting to lean in, to kiss him more.

“I’ve wanted to do that since we fought before that ruined city,” he admitted.

She didn’t want to think about when she’d first wanted to do that. Because, perhaps, she’d wanted to do that the day she’d woken and seen him looking down at that mark.

“We probably shouldn't ever do that again,” she finally said before moving out of the circle of his arms. She stood, though it prompted her side to throb.

Remis scoffed. “What are you talking about? We should probably do that a thousand more times.”

Those stupid flutters began in her stomach again. She so badly wanted them to stop, but she couldn’t stop looking at his lips, rosied by their efforts. Hair had fallen forward over his forehead and down into his eyes. He’d always been beautiful, but now as his tongue traced his lower lip he was ethereal. Meira gave him a pathetic attempt at a smile.

He sobered at the look and got quickly to his feet. “Was it bad?”

“Unfortunately, it was very very good.” Meira patted his arm and made her way to where Mrithun was curled in the dried grass. The Bold Wing didn’t bother to lift her head as Meira came closer but her tail twitched behind her. Meira almost swore that the dragon was smirking at her.

Remis blew out a long breath. “You had me worried there for a moment.” He paused. “You know I’m quite good at other things too.”

The ribbon in her hair was so loose now it was slipping from its hold. Meira tugged it out and began splitting the mass of curls into two braids. She clenched her thighs together, knowing deep within her that he was likely incredible at other things too.

“Remis.” She rolled her eyes. “Maybe I’m still planning on killing you.”

Perhaps they just needed this kiss to get each other out of their systems.

It didn’t feel like he was out of her system at all though. No, now all she could imagine was stripping him out of his clothes and letting him pin her against a tree. She wouldn’t even mind gaining a few splinters in her back.

He smiled. “If you don’t kiss me again, I’ll die of heartbreak anyway.”

“Unlikely.” She deadpanned. “Now get on the Bold Wing.”

His brows pulled together. “Excuse me?”

“Do you want to get to Croughton or not?”

Those near black eyes darted back and forth between her and Mrithun. She did gain an ounce of joy watching his indecision. Slowly, he nodded. “Why are you taking me to Croughton?”

She let him squirm as she looked him up and down before giving him a perfect pretty smile. “Don’t you have some business to secure?”

Mrithun stood, stretching out next to her. The Bold Wing unfurled her wings, knocking bushes aside. Remis took a step back only for Meira to beckon him forward.

“Are you considering what Kindred said then? That I might explore my abilities and we could both be bonded?”

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