Page 49 of A Cursed Hunt

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The serum had addled his brain. Great.

Remis had been taught for as long as he could remember that witches, while mostly myth and fable at this point, were horrible monstrous beings. Aside from the promise of death that came with his wolf, he’d only seen so far how humans were the true monsters, but questioning the truth of the world and being secretly fed a serum that would not allow him to lie was quite a different thing.

“Let’s start this again, shall we? My name is Kindred. What is your name?” Kindred motioned toward him.

His name was an easy answer to give but the words still felt as if she’d pulled them out of him with the quick yank of an invisible string. “Nikremis Archibald Lexmore. My friends just call me Remis.”

Kindred smiled and lines appeared across her cheeks and around her sparkling gray eyes. “Remis. And you?” Another sweep of her hand toward his captor.

He leaned forward as eager to hear her answers as Kindred. Wolf, as he’d taken to calling her, spoke little of herself and her intentions to drag him along on whatever fate they’d found themselves intertwined in. This was his chance for answers, to maybe understand her and the role he was meant to play. The widening of her eyes was telling that she’d also come to this same realization.

“Meira Eve Spektor.” She gave Remis a sideways glance. “Just Meira.”

Meira. Eve. Spektor.


He repeated the name over and over in his head and found himself wanting to try it out on his lips. To taste it in the way his mind kept wanting to taste her. A lovely name, one that suited the beautiful, strong, and wicked woman next to him.

“Do you intend to harm the witch or anyone in this town?” Kindred asked.

Meira sighed, leaned back in her seat, and said, “No.”

Kindred looked to him and much to his surprise words he’d hardly even recognized as his own were spilling out. “There is one particular asshole who was rude to Meira that I’ve considered teaching a few manners with my fist.”

He wasn’t sure how it was possible but Meira’s wide eyes widened a fraction more until all the white was visible around her pretty green irises. Though saying her name felt like he’d somehow earned a high honor, he had to hold himself back from slapping a hand across his mouth. Getting the truth from Meira might be enticing, but being forced to speak only in truths might become his next nightmare.

A chuckle left Kindred. The woman nodded along, amusement playing over her weathered features. “There are several in this town that I’ve thought about doing that exact same thing to. If you want to keep hidden while you’re here though I’d refrain. Terrible men with horrid opinions often have terrible friends who’ll fight tooth and nail for their honor.”

Of course, Remis wasn’t really going to punch the stranger. He didn’t even realize that he’d truly contemplated the idea until it had been forced out of him. With his healing shoulder and body weary from all the travel he was in no condition to be fighting. Fuck, his nose was still bruised and slightly swollen.

“What do you need the witch for?” the old woman pushed.

Meira’s face scrunched in as if she’d rather keep the words to herself. Her cheeks turned a dark shade of crimson before she gasped for air. “I need help recovering my memories and—” She bared her teeth. “And I need to learn about the huntress curse.”

She’d lost her memories? She didn’t know about the huntress curse? Perhaps it was more alarming not to just be in the presence of a witch but to be with one who was incompetent. If she didn’t know what and how this curse worked…well that might explain why he wasn’t dead yet.

Instantly, Kindred’s attention shifted to Meira’s gloved hands and then to Remis’ hastily wrapped one. “I see.” She cleared her throat. “I can arrange that. However, tonight is a night for lovers and celebrations as we honor the holiday so you will have to wait until tomorrow.” Kindred offered a sad smile. “For the time being, I suggest you stay and maybe get to know each other better. If you need a place to stay, the stairwell beside the bar will take you upstairs where there are two available rooms. It’ll cost you but they’re the best you’ll be getting on a night like tonight.”

“Will they cost coin or some other form of currency?” Meira’s mouth ticked down.

“Coin only this time.” Kindred winked. “I’ll have Stauci bring you over some dinner too.” With that, she rose from the table, returned her chair to its rightful position, and headed back behind the counter.

The room was filled with the chatter of other patrons and the clinking of glasses. Occasionally, laughter would rise and fall like a crashing wave. Still, all of it felt distant from the little corner where he sat with Meira. She stared down at her hands.

This was his chance to ask her everything he’d tried to before and he’d get more than just placating answers; he’d get the truth. Perhaps Kindred was in the market of performing miracles. He mulled his questions over in his head while he sat without speaking for several long minutes. He’d have to be the one to break the silence. He doubted she’d be keen to start spilling all her secrets.

“Meira Eve Spektor was it?” He tapped a finger against the table. She watched the movement. “Does it even out the playing field now that I know what to call you?”

“Not at all, Nikremis Archibald Lexmore.” She snorted. “What a terrible middle name.”

His hand went straight to his heart as though she’d stabbed him in the chest with the words. “It’s a family name.”

One slender brow of hers lifted ever so slightly. She was beautifully cast in the soft glow of the lone dying candle at their back. And he so badly wanted to tell her how gorgeous she was. He could feel the way the serum was lulling him into a sense of safety as though he could say anything now and there would be no consequence to it at all, but there would be consequences and some things were better left unsaid if he could manage it.

Meira leaned back in her seat. “It’s probably better if we don’t talk.”

“So you don’t have to tell me the truth?”

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