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Dating two men at the same time, honestly. Who does she think I am? I couldn’t go out with them both, let alone…

An image flashes in my mind before I can shove it away: Finn on my right, shirtless and big with his hands on my hips, and then Nic on my left, lean and intense and looking at me for all the world like he wants me back.

Good God.

We wrap up the workout, wipe down our machines, and head for the door.

“It’s inappropriate,” I say, as though I haven’t been avoiding the conversation for the last twenty minutes.

“It’s a fantasy,” she shoots back, holding the door open for me. I grip the collar of my coat against the cold wind as we walk. “And there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Enjoy your date with Finn.” Moira hip checks me and walks around to the driver’s side of her car. “I expect to hear every detail about this tomorrow.”

I stick out my tongue and she grins, climbing into her car and waving as she pulls away.

I cross the street and make for the apartment building up the block, loosening my hold on my coat as I go. After that, I need to cool off a bit. Meaning the workout, of course.

A few hours later, Finn is sitting near the window in the café when I get to the Market Street Market, his eyes scanning the street as I approach. He doesn’t see me right away. I slow my steps, savoring the anticipation, the total opposite of my last few months with Jeff the jerk. I’d started to put off seeing him, dreading it completely by the bitter end. His constant disappointment was written all over his face. It was hard, in hindsight, to look forward to seeing somebody who clearly never enjoyed seeing you.

Finn Hale has been different from the moment I met him, but I feared that spark, that heat, wouldn’t be there when he saw me today. Maybe in this light, or the way I was dressed?—

Shut it down, Nat. You’re not that girl anymore.

Right. Shake it off; positive thoughts only. I turn my focus on him.

Dark hair, just a hint of a curl to it, glossy and thick enough I want to run my hands through it. His eyes are just as striking today—deep blue, lit with an energy I find utterly magnetic. His fingers tap on the table, and I get the impression he isn’t one for keeping still. His shoulders are broad, his body clearly powerful even sitting down, dwarfing the tiny café style table in front of him. His forearm flexes as he taps, causing heat to wash over me. His hand goes still, flattening on the tabletop.

When I look up, his smile lights every inch of his face, and the relief I feel makes my knees weak. I can’t help but smile back.

I make my way through the door and he meets me by the counter.

“Hey,” I say.

“Hey, yourself,” he says, still smiling. “You look lovely. I’m glad you’re here.” He sounds like he means it, and I remind myself sternly that not every man is a lying douchebag and that I’m not the woman I was a year ago.

“I’m glad to see you,” I say, just in case he doesn’t notice that I can’t stop smiling as he kisses my cheek. He must have shaved this morning, but I can feel the scruff of a beard as he brushes my skin, and it makes me shiver.

We order and take our coffees back to the table.

“How was your workout with your friend?” he asks.

“Moira,” I say, sipping my latte gently. “We had a good time. Have you had a good weekend?”

A grin tugs at his mouth. “Let’s just say the hours dragged a little for me.”

“Somewhere else you wanted to be?”

“Not anymore.” He looks into my eyes, and I believe him. I relax a little more.

“So you work for Nic the lawyer. That must be interesting.”

I feel myself flushing, though I can’t put my finger on why exactly.

“He’s great,” I say. “Best boss I ever had.”

“What do you do for him?”

That makes me blush, and I can feel the babbling start before I even open my mouth. “I’m his personal assistant, PA, for short. I answer the phones, man the printer, and manage his appointments and files. Coffee. That kind of thing.”

“Been with him long?”

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