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Eoin gives me a long look. “She’s fine now, but she had shattered her spine.”

“Her tiny, fragile, little human spine,” Ken cries out. “I’m almost tempted to thank Eoin. Debts be damned.”

“Me too,” I agree.

Everyone chuckles—except for Rainer. My eyes meet his, and something sad crosses his face before he smothers it with disinterest.

My stomach sinks at his demeanor. It’s almost like Rainer has two sides, and I can never tell which one I’m going to get.

Eoin stands, holding a hand out for me. I accept it graciously, allowing him to pull me to my feet. He doesn’t immediately release me, and I catch Rainer staring at us with an odd expression. He glances down to where Eoin and I connect, and his jaw tightens.

Inexplicably guilty, I drop Eoin’s hand and sidestep to put space between us.

“I didn’t mean to cause such a ruckus,” I say.

Eoin flashes a soft smile at me. “Nonsense. It’s a good thing I was here for you.” He winks and my stomach knots itself at the unwanted attention.

“Yes,” Rainer says with narrowed eyes. “A good thing you were here—doing what exactly, Eoin? Lurking the grounds? I wasn’t expecting you again until tomorrow.”

Despite the attitude he’s receiving, Eoin laughs. He jerks a thumb over his shoulder toward the flowers. “I was simply admiring the gardens, you know how much I appreciate a good garden.”

“I’m well aware.”

“The pixies are helping keep your roses alive, I see.”


“You’ve yet to grow—”

“Where’s your sister?” Rainer asks, crossing his arms.

Eoin grins at Rainer. “She won’t be here until tomorrow.” He turns to me. “If you enjoy flowers, you should come see the Infinite Gardens at Terra court.”

“She’ll pass,” Rainer says. “My gardens here are plenty fine.”

My cheeks heat. What’s gotten into him?

Rainer’s eyes narrow as he sniffs the air, slowly turning his attention to me. “You’re bleeding.”

“Well, I did fall out of a tree.” I expect him to light up at my sarcasm, the way he does when I stick up for myself, but his jaw tics.

“Clean yourself up,” he growls. His eyes darken a shade. “Now.”

He darts away, leaving me with Eoin, Ken, and Viv.

“What’s his problem now?” I ask, off-put by his demeanor.

My eyes track Rainer as he bolts across the yard and into the castle without looking back. I frown, not liking the coldness he’s directing at me lately. Or maybe I’m simply holding out hope that somewhere deep down beneath his ribs, a kind heart beats.

It’s my fault for romanticizing the fae prince.

“That’s how he always is.” Eoin shrugs.

“I don’t think he likes you very much.”

“It’s jealousy. Mostly of the gardens I grow at Terra Court.” Eoin’s eyes flash with something like pity. “Yet he refuses to accept any help. With the flick of a wrist, our elemental fae could manipulate the earth, air, and water, create a perfect environment for those roses he tries—and fails—to grow. But, alas…” Eoin shakes his head. “Stubborn as a fool.”

His bountiful gardens are perfect to me—overflowing with successful beauty—but I suppose it wouldn’t matter if he couldn’t grow the one he wanted most.

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