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I make my way up, scooting just a touch higher through the branches, until I’m level with the wall. Carefully, I crawl to where the branch meets the wall, parting the droopy, thick curtain of willow leaves.

I don’t see anybody, or anything on the other side of the wall other than a very normal looking forest packed with trees of all sorts. Trees full of leaves and life and greenery.

As I prepare to scoot back to the willow’s center, and descend the branches, something catches my eye.

A dark, shadowy figure standing by the tree line.

As if it sees me, it begins to lengthen—forming into a taller shadow, until it takes on the silhouette of a faceless human. Not quite opaque, but definitely a dark shade of grey, almost black. It reaches out, with a wispy, gaseous arm, as if it’s beckoning to me.

The face begins to morph into something familiar—something that resembles Char. But I know it isn’t her. Terror courses through me as I scoot backwards. The arm continues to extend, reaching out to me. The shadow grows impossibly long as it lengthens and weaves its way toward me.

“Agghhhh!” A scream rips through my throat as I scramble back, losing my footing completely and tipping out of the tree.

I slam into the ground so hard my bones rattle.

The air escapes my lungs and I gasp. Fire shoots up my spine, the pain blinding.

Help me, I try to cry out, but the words won’t come. Somebody, help me, please!


I Hope He’s Harmless


My lungs plead desperately for oxygen. I choke in raspy breaths, but no matter how much air I suck in, it’s not enough. And with each expansion of my lungs, my ribs and spine scream in pain.

Then, the pain goes silent. Fading away.

But I can’t move.

My legs and arms won’t work.

A tear slides out of the corner of my eye as I gasp.

“Help!” I call out, my voice finally working. It’s raw, desperate. “Please!”

I continue to cry, shamelessly screaming for help until there’s a soft patter of boots on grass as someone runs toward me.

“Gods!” Ken yells. In a flash, he’s standing over me, looking the most serious I’ve ever seen him. He turns his head, barking out an order to Viv who has appeared at his side. “Get Rainer!” I think he grabs my hand, but I don’t know because I can’t feel it. “It’ll be okay, little human.”

Viv runs off, and Ken’s head continues to whip around, searching.

He mutters profanities under his breath, his face crumpled. I’ve never seen the shifter so distraught.

Over and over again he continues to tell me that it’ll be okay. That I’ll be fine.

But I don’t believe him.

“Don’t move her!” an unfamiliar voice calls out.

I hear someone bolting across the grass, but I can’t turn to look.

“She fell hard,” Ken says with concern. “Straight onto her little human back.”

I wait for a smart remark from Ken, to distract me, but nothing comes. That’s how I know it’s bad.

A male I’ve never seen before leans over me, popping into my sight. With concerned honey-brown eyes, and curly golden-kissed hair, he’s less severe in appearance than Rainer. Sweeter, more boyish looking.

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