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And though it’s embarrassing that he can sense certain things about me, Ken himself doesn’t discomfit me. I remind myself this is normal for the fae, that it’s me stepping into their world. So if they don’t make it a big deal, I won’t either.

Ken howls with laughter and I huff, pushing the big guy’s shoulders. He doesn’t budge an inch.

“You keep that to yourself, bruin.” I stride past him, muttering, “I can’t wait to learn how to train so I can kick your arse.”

Ken cackles behind me. “That makes two of us, little human.”

Viveka’s eyes are keen and sharp, and despite her tall height and broad shoulders, her movements are light—like that of a dancer. Rich brown skin contrasts with her cropped, snowy hair, and confidence radiates from her.

I’m immediately in awe.

She doesn’t notice me as she unsheathes her sword and nods at Rainer. He mimics the action.

Ken and I grab a seat on the edge of the grassy yard, giving them plenty of space to engage in a nimble dance of clashing steel. Both of their physiques are fit, muscular, but despite this they move with a predatory grace. Quick on their feet, fast to react, and even faster to strike.

The swords strike together in a deadly melody. I watch, mesmerized, flinching every time the blades meet.

Ken leans toward me so I can hear him over the grunts and clangs. “Viv is from Terra Court.”

From what I gathered from Fern, it’s the closest court to Umbra.

“So, who runs Terra Court?” I ask, unsure of how fae politics work.

“Princess Sennah and her brother run Terra Court.”

“There’s no queen? Or king?”

“There’s a faerie queen, but she doesn’t involve herself in the courts. She is very, very old, even by immortal standards. More of a relic than anything. She oversees larger matters between the realms, but the courts are mostly left to the Royal Fae and their families.”



My head spins with questions. The more I learn about this place, the more incomprehensible it is.

“There are other realms? Besides Avylon and Dovenak?”

“Yup.” Ken slaps his thighs, giving me a grin. “Many more, little human.” He watches my face morph into shock, then barks a laugh. “You didn’t think we were the only ones around, huh?”

“Well…” I’ve never heard about any other realms. Then again, Tradelings aren’t privy to such education and information.

“Any more questions for me while we’re at it?” Ken asks.

“So many questions,” I whisper.

My eyes track Rainer’s movements as he engages with Viv. His face is stern, his movements sharp and fierce. I’m captivated by the show.

“Is Rainer… immortal?” I ask.

“Not quite. Fae still age, albeit very slowly. Now that his mind and body have reached peak maturity, his aging process will slow. Many fae only live to be hundreds of years old. The faerie queen is an exception. Her power is enormous.” He shrugs. “There’s a reason she’s queen.”

My mouth drops, and I gape at him.

“Rainer is only twenty-six,” he says. “Very, very young for fae standards.”

He’s only a few years older than me? I mean, that’s what I would’ve assumed based on appearances. But with immortality and extended lifespans on the table, it’d be impossible to guess ages here.

“And how old are you?” I ask.

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