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He smiles at me, shaking his head no before swimming in circles around me.

“My Alessia!”

My heart stops for a moment as I recognize the voice.

I pop my head out of the water.

“Char?” I call, scanning for her familiar face.

“What is it?” Rainer asks, confused, popping up at my side, sparkling gold from the river.

“Shhhh,” I reply. “Listen.”

Char calls my voice again, and I see her standing further down the river, on the edge, where the dreamscape seems to end and fade into dark.

“Come find me,” she says, a look of concern on her withered face.

I try to walk towards her, but all of a sudden my body grows heavy, its as if my feet are glued to the river’s floor and I can no longer move.


“Meet me where I rest, Alessia. I have your answers.”

“What answers?”

There’s a cracking noise—like a burst of thunder—and both Rainer and Char are gone.

The dreamworld dissipates, fading away to nothingness.

“Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!”

There’s a swoosh of curtains opening, and orange light assaults my eyelids.

“Stop, Das Celyn,” I mutter. I keep my eyes squeezed shut and throw an arm over my face. “I’m getting up.”

The dream from last night comes back to me—vivid as ever. So realistic. And it makes me long for the Rainer I met there, even though it was a simple manifestation of my own subconscious. Clearly the loneliness and unwanted desire are building up—

“Whoa, little human, what’s got your heart rate speeding up?”

I crack an eye open, and when I spot Ken standing beside the bed, I shoot upright, clutching the sheets around me. He wears a goofy grin, his brown leathers, and has a sword strapped to his back.

“Where’s Das Celyn?” I ask, looking around.

“You’re stuck with me today instead.” He throws some clothes onto the bed. “Anyone ever tell ya you sleep a lot?”

“Never.” I shake my head.

I’ve never had a chance to sleep this much. It was unexpectedly kind of Rainer to send the chamomile and valerian tea up last night—at least, that’s who I’m assuming sent it up considering he’s the only one who’s asked about how I’m sleeping. Clearly my body needed the rest.

“Well, rise and shine, little human. Get those perky buns up. We have things to do today.”

My spirits lift. “I’m getting out of here?”

He cocks his head, pointing at the clothes he’s laid out. “You’ll find out if you get dressed.”

Apprehensively, I drag myself out of bed and head over to the bathroom to change. Ken is rambling, so I keep the door cracked to listen.

“I’ve missed ya, little human,” he says. “Heard you’ve been getting on with Das Celyn and Fern.” There’s a hint of surprise in his voice.

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