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Luckily I had Char looking out for me and sneaking me scraps, so I rarely went hungry for long.

My throat grows thick at the thought, and suddenly I’m not so hungry anymore. A piece of me softens toward Das Celyn. Not in pity, but understanding.

“I insist.” I pat the burgundy cushion beside me, beckoning Das Celyn over. “These are incredible. Try some.”

They scoff, but reluctantly take the seat beside me and grab a muffin. A smile crosses my lips at the small win.

“I know how incredible they are. I made them.”

“We made them,” I lean in, knocking their arm with my own.

Their eyes flutter shut and they lean back as they eat leisurely. A pang forms in my chest at the sight. How long has it been since they last ate?

“Why doesn’t he—Prince Rainer let you eat?” I ask.

Das Celyn jerks their eyes open and glances down at the muffin in their hand before tossing it onto the table and standing. They wipe their hands on their apron, a coldness overtaking their features.

“Who said he doesn’t let me eat?”

“I just—you seem so hungry.”

“You shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”

I thought something changed between us during our shared meal, but clearly I hit a sensitive spot. It only makes my heart hurt for them, just as it hurts for Fern.

Why does everyone here—save for Ken—seem so troubled? Faerie prince included.

“I only want to make sure you’re okay.”

“That I’m okay?” Their anger morphs to disbelief. “Said as if you care.”

“I do care,” I whisper. Seeing Das Celyn hungry and angry reminds me so much of myself—when I was at the verge of breaking at the lord’s hand. Char was the person who continuously checked on me over the years, who broke through the walls I built around my heart at a young age, and taught me how to trust. To love.

I’m not setting out to save anyone, but if I can help Fern and Das Celyn the way Char helped me, I could potentially save a life.

I don’t know what Fern, or Das Celyn, or Prince Rainer have gone through, but I see bits of my own suffering in each of them. These strangers are mirrors, each reflecting back a piece of me I’ve hidden away.

“You don’t know me.”

“It doesn’t matter. If there’s something I can do to prevent your suffering, I’ll do it.”

“Focus on your own self, girl.” Their voice is softer, lacking the bite it had before. They pause on the way out, turning to me. “Whatever you think you know about me, or the prince, or anyone else here, you’re wrong. And we don’t owe you any explanations. We owe you nothing. Remember that.”

A tense beat passes.

“Understood,” I whisper. It’s a harsh reminder I’m wanted here about as much as I want to be here. “Do you know when the prince will let me leave? Or if he will be back to talk to me?”

Celyn narrows their eyes. “He does what he wants. I’m not privy to his thoughts.”

Before I can ask anything else or find another way to get them to lower their guard again, they snatch the tray and head for the hallway.

“Drink the tea and sleep,” they say without looking back.

Shrugging it off, I let the tea cool and then I chug it to the dregs, figuring I might as well enjoy a deep sleep at the hands of this potent herbal remedy.

Soft light filters in through the trees, bouncing off the golden river. It flows silently, like a satin ribbon kissed by a soft summer breeze.

It’s so ethereal, so beautiful that I can’t help but smile. Looking up, there is no canopy of trees blocking my view, no clouds suppressing the sun, only bright, open skies in the most beautiful shade of blue.

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