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My nose scrunches at the invasion of his senses. I could be menstruating for all he knows.

But I’m not.

My hand reaches up my skirt, brushing gently over my backside where the sting of pain is most persistent. Sure enough, my fingers come away tainted with the rusty smear of blood. I must’ve reopened my blisters by moving too quickly.

They’ll never heal at this rate.

Rainer snarls. “I hadn’t realized you had… been wounded prior to arriving in Avylon.”

My mouth dries out. “I’m used to it.”

“Who is responsible for this?”

“It doesn’t matter who it was.” I shrug nonchalantly, hoping it hides my unease.

His jaw clenches, and violence fills his eyes. “You are not to leave these grounds,” he commands. “And for the time being, you’re not to leave this room.”

A brittle laugh escapes me. “I’m leaving. Now, actually.”

“You’re not.” He shakes his head, turning away. “Clean yourself up. Ensure there’s no blood on those sheets.”

His shoulders are tense. He’s uptight about cleanliness, which is odd, considering his borderline unkempt appearance. But I remember what Ken implied about him being uncomfortable around blood. And suddenly, though I tell myself I shouldn’t care, I’m hoping I didn’t stain his sheets.

I smooth my hands down the front of my dress, standing a little taller and feigning confidence, though I’m highly unsettled. Glancing toward the doors, I try to gauge how quickly I can bolt out of here—assessing whether or not I can outrun this… fae.

Taking my chance, I move swiftly toward the exit. His arm flashes out, stopping me in my tracks.

He leans in, his lips hovering beside my neck. When he speaks, his warm breath caresses my skin and I shudder.

“I said clean yourself up.”

My hands tremble at his tone. He refuses to meet my eyes, continuing to stare at the wall.

“And I said I’m leaving.”

I ball my shaking hands into fists, wanting to get out of here sooner than later.

“All right.” He steps back, piercing me with his gaze. “Feel free to thank me for all I’ve provided you, and you can be on your way.”

The lord would whip me for my lack of gratitude. The thought alone is enough to instill fear in me. I compose myself.

“Thank you for the meal and bed. And for having Das Celyn heal me. Truly.”

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, a sizzle of warmth spills into my veins. Everything tingles for a moment before the heat subsides. The sensation was vaguely reminiscent of when I crossed the Gleam.

“What was that?” My voice trembles.

Rainer strides to the door. Finally, he turns to me with a smirk. His eyes sparkle mischievously. “What was what?”

“What did you do to me? I felt it…magic.”

I charge forward, eager to get out of here, but when I get to the threshold, I smack face first into an invisible wall and stumble.

Grimacing, I step forward, trying to exit the room once again, to no avail. Something solid stands in my way, despite the doorway appearing normal and open. Some sort of magical force field blocks me from leaving.

I bang my fists against it, but it makes no noise. There’s nothing there but air, yet I can’t physically pass.

“Why are you—” Desperation laces my voice, but I trail off as I recall the conversation he had with Ken. The reasoning for why he’s trapping me here. “I swear to the gods, I am not a spy. I’m not! I’ve never even met Queen Wyetta.” It’s true. Even though the lord worked for her, I never came near her. “I’m only a Tradeling! I’m a nobody.” My voice cracks.

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