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Fern gives me a look like she wants to say more, but someone else enters the hallway, grumbling to themselves. They’re shorter than me—and that’s saying something—with a black bob and bangs. Sharp ears poke through their hair.

Another faerie.

They hold a tray of food in their hands.

Fern giggles, clapping her hands. “Das Celyn! It’s a party now!”

“Oh hush, girl,” Das Celyn scolds. “Get yourself together.”

Fern rolls her eyes. “Get yourself together,” she mocks.

“You have a problem.”

“And you have an attitude.”

“I cannot wait for the day the prince drains your body of blood and feeds you to the forest.”

Fern frowns. “That’s rude, even for you.”

“One human is bad enough, I don’t need two pestering me. Scram.”

I avert my eyes, glancing to the floor as Fern mocks Das Celyn and strides away.

“Remember what I said, Alessia,” she calls over her shoulder. “I don’t know what monsters you ran from, but you better hope they weren’t as bad as the ones you just ran to.”

Das Celyn narrows their eyes, giving me a disgusted look.

Shrinking back from them, I say, “Hi. I’m Alessia?” I hadn’t intended for it to come out like a question, but it does.

They click their tongue and thrust the tray of food toward me.

I accept it, eying the plate of breads, cheeses, and fruits cautiously. There’s even a small kettle of what I presume is tea, and an empty mug. I sniff it.


When they turn to leave I call out, “Wait! Celyn?”

They whip around. “Don’t you Celyn me. I earned my title.”


“It is Das Celyn to you.” Their voice is much sharper than it was with Fern, and I recoil.

“I’m… sorry,” I mumble.

“Don’t you ever apologize to the fae!” They shake their head and their bangs swish across their forehead. “What is wrong with you, girl?”

“I’m—” I pause, unsure of what to say.

I’m so out of place here. Glancing around the wide hallway, with its ruby-red runner and plethora of doors, I realize how easy it would be to get utterly lost here.

“Fern was supposed to show me to a room,” I say lamely.

“That girl is no good. An addict. Can’t rely on her for anything.”

I don’t care what or who she is, other than human, and I hope she’ll be an ally.

“Come on then.”

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