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“Alessia and I need to talk.”

“Alessia—” Eoin repeats Rainer, saying my name in a sensual way, as if he’s tasting it. He offers me a soft smile before returning a hardened gaze to Rainer. “—is capable of making her own decisions.”

“Talk, talk talk,” I giggle. “He always wants to talk, but he never says anything worth listening to.”

Rainer grits his teeth and looks for my confirmation. “May I have a word?”

“I thought you didn’t care for her?” Eoin accuses.

I snort a laugh. “And tonight he suddenly has manners!”

“You drank the wine.” Rainer rubs his brow and sighs. He looks at Eoin accusingly. “You let her drink it.”

“Eoin didn’t let me do anything. Perhaps that’s why I like him so much. He doesn’t cage me and stifle me like you do.”

I reach forward, booping Rainer on the nose. His cheeks blaze red, and his eyes flicker.

“Why don’t humans have music like this?” I ask. “We miss out on so much.”

So many naked bodies, though. I laugh, thinking how funny it is, until I catch Rainer’s eye.

He jolts forward, ripping Eoin away from me. “Get out of here.”

Eoin steps back, raising his hands with a smirk. “I’ll be around if you need me, Alessia.”

With that, he winks at me again and strides away.

“Thanks for that,” I mutter.

Rainer’s mouth twitches. “Why, you are so welcome, little rose.”

“No. I didn’t mean—”

My head swims.

Light and fuzzy with intoxication.

Stupid faeries and their stupid games.

“What can I assist you with, Princey Poo?” I curtsy with a dramatic flair.

A flash of annoyance appears before he packs it away, reverting to his stoic neutral.

“You’re drunk.”

“You’re drunk,” I mimic back in a nasally tone.

I want to pinch his cheeks and tell him to lighten up, have some fun. Be free like me!

The wine is glorious after all!

“For the love of…” He runs a hand through his hair. “We can’t talk like this.”

“Like what?” I smile sweetly, fluttering my eyelids for good measure.

He pauses, standing more rigid. “Come to bed, Alessia. Sleep it off.”

“Nope!” I sing-song it out while twirling my glittering skirt around me. The bonfire and moonlight washes over me, causing my dress to glow in fiery hues of pale peach, pink, and orange. “You always want to ruin my fun.”

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